• lilypetals


    Besides WP blog, I have an HTML website and I display my WP blog feeds on my html website.

    I’ve used several “aggregators” and such but load time is really, really slow. I’m currently using “rssfeedreader.com” but it’s SO slow when I try to load my html page.

    My question is – do you know of a GOOD “rss to html” or “rss to javascript” service that doesn’t load too slowly like what I have right now at: https://www.niquehappy.com/celebritygossip

    Trust me – I’ve exhausted Google trying to look for these things but haven’t had any luck. There’s always a problem with each one I find – like formatting, slow load time, etc.

    FeedBurner is popular, yes – but the code they give me ends up being all funky on the page – like no paragraph line breaks and the font is all big – and there’s no way to change it unless I have to learn CSS but I don’t have the time or patience for that right now. ??

    The reason I’m using the current one is because they have an easy to use interface that lets me choose font, color, link styles, etc. and it just generates the code for me. I need something like that but only quicker.


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  • Are you able to use PHP at all or does it have to be HTML?

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    i don’t really understand PHP and i’d much prefer HTML.

    Eric Amundson


    FeedBurner is popular, yes – but the code they give me ends up being all funky on the page – like no paragraph line breaks and the font is all big – and there’s no way to change it unless I have to learn CSS but I don’t have the time or patience for that right now. ??

    I use FB’s service to do exactly what you’re looking for. I do notice a slight speed difference in the loading of the page, which is to be expected.

    Nevertheless, they do make it very easy to generate a standards-compliant block of code on your html page. For me, that’s much more important than trying to embed lousy presentational markup in a page.

    As far as the CSS styles, it should be quite simple and I’m sure you can easily get help with this – if I remember right, Feedburner only generates a div and 4 or 6 classes for styling, depending on the amount of data you show. Not too much, but enough for precise control of presentation through CSS.

    I’d be happy to help look at your CSS if you post a link to a test HTML page.

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    Thanks. That makes sense. I’d use FB but it’s just the font comes up HUGE and the entries are NOT spaced out, not even one line, so that really bugs.

    Which CSS do you need to look at?

    Also, is FB’s speed faster than what I have now?

    OK – here you go – the test HTML:

    As you can see, the entries are glued together ??

    This page explains CSS but I have no clue what it means:

    Eric Amundson


    Not sure if FB will be faster for you. Depends on several things like your server, connection, browser, page coding, the other service, etc.

    I’d use FB but it’s just the font comes up HUGE and the entries are NOT spaced out, not even one line, so that really bugs.

    Yes, by default, if you’re not using CSS, the browser will assign it’s default values for font-size, color, spacing, etc.

    So, if you make a copy of your page for testing and place the feedburner code where you want it, then it would be a matter of minutes to write some basic styles to change the font size and positioning.

    All one would need to do is have a link to the test page with your FB block plugged in and running, plus have a little direction from you on how you’d like it to look.

    Eric Amundson


    lilypetal – will this page (assuming https://www.niquehappy.com/feedtest) just display the feedburner feed, or will you plug this code block into a page with other content?

    If the latter, it would be better to have a test page with the FB block embedded where you want it as other elements on the page may effect styles of the FB block.

    Make sense?

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    hmmmm… you mean you would look at it once i put it in? or do i have to ask around? thanks for helping.

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    the answer is:

    yes the feed will be plugged in with other content too. hold on let me show you..

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    OK, please refresh that page.

    Basically, I’d just like that block to match the rest of the fonts and colors on the page.

    Title: pinkish
    Text: Dark gray


    and that’s just for ONE category. I would have to do the same thing for the rest of my categories on my WP Blog https://www.niquehappy.com/blog/

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    thank you so much “sewmyheadon”. i need to go to bed now. but i will check this string first thing in the morning.

    thank you thank you thank you thank you ??

    Eric Amundson


    Hey LilyPetals,

    I took a look at your page and added this CSS code to your default css file, named feed.css and it looks much better.

    /* — Feedburner Block Styles – sewmyheadon ———————–
    .feedburnerFeedBlock {font-size:80%;}
    .feedburnerFeedBlock p.feedTitle {color: #CE409C;font-weight:bold;}
    .feedburnerFeedBlock ul li span.headline a:link {color: #CE409C;font-weight:bold;}
    .feedburnerFeedBlock ul li {list-style:none;color: #333;position:relative;line-height:150%;margin-bottom:15px;}
    .feedburnerFeedBlock ul p.date {color: #666; float:right; margin:0;position:absolute; top:0;right:0;font-size:80%;background-color:#eee; padding:2px 3px;border:1px solid #ddd;line-height:100%;}

    let me know if you need further help.


    Thread Starter lilypetals


    hi, sorry for being so clueless, but what was I supposed to do with this? put it in my blog or the html page that i want the feed embedded? and how?

    i use FrontPage to publish my html pages so the stylings may be different from what you might be thinking.

    This is my feed block:

    <script src=”https://feeds.feedburner.com/celebrity-dirt?format=sigpro&#8221; type=”text/javascript” ></script><noscript><p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <br/>Powered by FeedBurner</p> </noscript>

    is it ok for you to IM me? my AIM is niqueyatworkdude.

    thanks so much!


    ohhh I think i’m getting this. that’s weird. the “feed.css” is in my “search” folder, I have no idea how that got there. must’ve been a GoDaddy thing when I created a new subdomain named “search”. because usually my html pages DO NOT ever have these css files. weird!

    your formats do look so much better and clean! thank you!! let me try to create more feeds and see. thanks!! ??

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    OK, there’s something screwy when I create new feeds in FB and add them to my other pages. It makes my right bar disappear after I re-publish the page, and then it gives me a blank screen. Ahhhh!!

    I might have to go back to the other service providers because FB isn’t working for me.

    The ONLY one that still works is the index page:

    If you scroll down to the bottom, you can see the feed with your formats.

    I actually REALLY REALLY like the styles you created, but I don’t know what it is that’s screwing up my HTML pages.

    So weird…

    let me try this again ??

    Thread Starter lilypetals


    YAY!! Everything seems to work now. I have no idea what went wrong, but the feeds from FeedBurner are working nicely. I love the css formats you created. Oh also, I noticed, too, that the feed TITLES no longer have weird characters like before, when apostrophes would turn into question marks. Like anytime there’s a ‘s, it would turn into a ? . This is no longer an issue.

    Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate your help! I hope things go smoothly from this point on. *crossing fingers*

    Eric Amundson


    Sorry for taking a bit to get back to you. Glad you got it working. I guess you figured out that you need to copy and paste the styles to your main stylesheet.

    Let me know if you have any questions. ??

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