Display file size (kb or MB) trough mla-hooks.php in /plugins directory
Hi David,
Thank you for you plugin, very helpful and so powerful but I have to admit that I’m actually stuck in my development because I’m trying to display the size (in kB or MB) of my customer’s files library (only pdf and microsoft office files) and can’t find how…
I’ve read on https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/displaying-file-size that we can show the file size without creating a custom field thanks to the
code but it doesn’t work for me. (also tried to create the custom field but doesn’t work neither)In fact, I already used the mla-hooks.php trick to add link to file title and customize date format as explained on https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/link-to-the-pdf-on-the-title-and-the-icon and I wonder if you can help me to add the file size using the same method.
Thanks in advance for your help and sorry to not add link to my client’s website but I’m not allowed to…
Cheers from Switzerland!!
It’s always great to hear from the continent – thanks for the good words.
First, just to confirm, the
code was added in version 1.80 – are you using the latest MLA version (now 1.81)? I regret that the custom field approach didn’t work for you, but it’s no longer necessary.Can you tell me what’s going wrong with the
code you tried to add? Are you using a custom template? If so, it would help to see the template source.I appreciate the client-confidentiality concern, but a link to the site wouldn’t give me much information so it’s not a problem. It would be most helpful if you could post the
shortcode you are using and the PHP code for the filter you have implemented to add file title and date customization. I don’t need the whole plugin, just the portion that does the work.I am confident you can get what you need; a bit more information will help me be more helpful. Thanks.
Hi David and thanks for your quick answer.
Yes I was on 1.80 and I’ve just updated to 1.81. In fact, I tried the custom fields since the
didn’t work. To be more precise, the size of the files don’t show up.The wordpress I’m working on for this customer is indeed a customized child theme based on Zero theme but I’m trying to implement the [mla_gallery] on a default wordpress single_post.php so I assume it should not be a problem. (I’m on a 3.7.1 wordpress, could it be a problem ?)
For your information here’s the shortcode I’m actually using:
[mla_gallery mla_viewer="true" mla_viewer_extensions="pdf,txt,doc,xls,ppt" post_mime_type="application/*ms*,application/pdf, text/plain," tax_query="array(array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'taxonomy' => 'countries', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => 'bangladesh' ) )" my_filter="format date" mla_caption="file_size,commas" size=icon link=file]
my_filter="format date"
comes from your tutorial on https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/link-to-the-pdf-on-the-title-and-the-icon and is working fine.Concerning the
I tried to add the following versions in my[mla_gallery]
shortcode :[mla_gallery="{+file_size,commas+}"
, [mla_gallery='{+file_size,commas+}’, [mla_gallery="file_size,commas"
but can’t find a way to make it work.Thanks for your help!
QThanks for the update and for posting your
source code. I ran some tests on my system and had to make a few modifications to get it working. Here’s my version:[mla_gallery mla_viewer="true" mla_viewer_extensions="pdf,txt,doc,xls,ppt" post_mime_type="application/*ms*,application/pdf,text/plain" tax_query="array(array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'taxonomy' => 'countries', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => 'bangladesh' ) )" my_filter="format date" mla_caption="Size: {+file_size,commas+}" link=file]
My changes are:
- Removed the spaces and trailing comma from the
parameter. - Removed the
parameter, because the Google File Viewer will not be used for icon display. - Changed the
field, adding a label and the{+ ... +}
punctuation around the field specification. - I didn’t try this, but you may find that
works in place of the tax_query you are using. - Also, the
'post_type' => 'attachment'
clause is not necessary; MLA adds that to the query it generates.
See if those changes work for you. If not, let me know and post your updated source.
You will see that the file size in given in bytes, not Kb or Mb. Once you get the size working you can add code to your filter to re-format it if you need to. Let’s get the shortcode working for you before we move on to that.
Hi David and thanks for your answer.
Your changes 1,2,4 and 5 worked but unfortunately the size still doesn’t display.
Moreover, the “Size: ” text specified in themla_caption="Size: {+file_size,commas+}"
shortcode doesn’t display neither. Can we find a solution with the hooks.php ?Cheers
Thanks for the update and for your test results. Yes, we could probably get it to work with the hooks, but I’d like to find out why the basic functionality isn’t working for you.
Could you try setting
or removing that parameter and re-running your test? It’s possible that the caption’s not working with themla_viewer
feature for some reason.Thanks for our persistence!
It would also be helpful if you shared the PHP code in your filter (The my_filter=”format date” comes from your tutorial on … and is working fine.)
If you do not want to post it here you can contact me through our web site:
and I will reply with an e-mail address you can use to send em whatever you can. Thanks.
Hi again David!
Unfortunately, removing the mla_viewer didn’t change anything ??
Concerning the PHP code for my filter, I have no problem to share it as it comes exactly the way you wrote it in a previous post.Just to be sure, here it is :
public static function mla_gallery_item_values_filter( $item_values ) { /* * For this example, we will reformat the 'date' value as d/m/Y. We use a shortcode parameter of our * own to do this on a gallery-by-gallery basis, leaving other [mla_gallery] instances untouched. */ if ( isset( self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) && 'format date' == self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) { /* * Default format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (HH = 00 - 23), or 'Y-m-d H:i:s' * Convert to UNIX timestamp so any reformat is possible */ $old_date = $item_values['date']; $timestamp = mktime( substr( $old_date, 11, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 14, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 17, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 5, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 8, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 0, 4 ) ); /* * Update the $item_values and pass them back from the filter. */ $item_values['date'] = date( 'd/m/Y', $timestamp ); /* * Compose a new caption with a "clickable" document title. */ $item_values['caption'] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> <span class="info"><a href="%1$s">%3$s</a></span>', $item_values['file_url'], $item_values['title'], $item_values['date'] ); return $item_values; } }
How can I add the size of the files using PHP ?
Thanks again for your help and cheers from Switzerland! ??Thank you for posting the PHP source code for your item values filter. You can imagine my embarrassment when I saw it and realized that the filter was the source of the problem; I should have picked up on that much earlier! It says:
* Compose a new caption with a “clickable” document title.
Which, of course, overwrites the value created by the
mla_caption="Size: {+file_size,commas+}"
parameter in the shortcode. I regret the delay and extra effort caused by my failue to think things through.Here, then, is an updated version of your filter which you can adapt to get the caption you want:
public static function mla_gallery_item_values_filter( $item_values ) { /* * For this example, we will reformat the 'date' value as d/m/Y. We use a shortcode parameter of our * own to do this on a gallery-by-gallery basis, leaving other [mla_gallery] instances untouched. */ if ( isset( self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) && 'format date' == self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) { /* * Default format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (HH = 00 - 23), or 'Y-m-d H:i:s' * Convert to UNIX timestamp so any reformat is possible */ $old_date = $item_values['date']; $timestamp = mktime( substr( $old_date, 11, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 14, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 17, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 5, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 8, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 0, 4 ) ); /* * Update the $item_values and pass them back from the filter. */ $item_values['date'] = date( 'd/m/Y', $timestamp ); /* * Compose the file size in different formats. * * You can use MLAOptions::mla_get_data_source() to get anything available. */ $my_setting = array( 'data_source' => 'file_size', 'option' => 'raw' ); $file_size = (float) MLAOptions::mla_get_data_source($item_values['attachment_ID'], 'single_attachment_mapping', $my_setting, NULL); if ( 1048576 < $file_size ) { $file_size = number_format( ($file_size/1048576), 3 ).' MB'; } elseif ( 10240 < $file_size ) { $file_size = number_format( ($file_size/1024), 3 ).' KB'; } else { $file_size = number_format( $file_size ); } /* * Compose a new caption with a "clickable" document title, date and file size. */ $item_values['caption'] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> <span class="info"><a href="%1$s">%3$s</a></span><br>Size: %4$s', $item_values['file_url'], $item_values['title'], $item_values['date'], $file_size ); } return $item_values; }
Note that in addition to adding the size information I have moved the
return $item_values;
statement outside the if test for yourmy_filter="format date"
parameter. That’s required so any[mla_gallery]
shortcode that does NOT contain the parameter will continue to work.Now that the filter is doing all the work you can remove the
parameter from your shortcode(s).Thank you once again for your patience in getting this issue identified and fixed. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions.
Thank you so much David and don’t worry about the delay to find the error. You did a great job ??
Just for your information, you’ve got a tiny error in your code. You typed 10240 rather than 1024.
Here’s the corrected code :
public static function mla_gallery_item_values_filter( $item_values ) { /* * For this example, we will reformat the 'date' value as d/m/Y. We use a shortcode parameter of our * own to do this on a gallery-by-gallery basis, leaving other [mla_gallery] instances untouched. */ if ( isset( self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) && 'format date' == self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) { /* * Default format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (HH = 00 - 23), or 'Y-m-d H:i:s' * Convert to UNIX timestamp so any reformat is possible */ $old_date = $item_values['date']; $timestamp = mktime( substr( $old_date, 11, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 14, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 17, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 5, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 8, 2 ), substr( $old_date, 0, 4 ) ); /* * Update the $item_values and pass them back from the filter. */ $item_values['date'] = date( 'd/m/Y', $timestamp ); /* * Compose the file size in different formats. * * You can use MLAOptions::mla_get_data_source() to get anything available. */ $my_setting = array( 'data_source' => 'file_size', 'option' => 'raw' ); $file_size = (float) MLAOptions::mla_get_data_source($item_values['attachment_ID'], 'single_attachment_mapping', $my_setting, NULL); if ( 1048576 < $file_size ) { $file_size = number_format( ($file_size/1048576), 3 ).' MB'; } elseif ( 1024 < $file_size ) { $file_size = number_format( ($file_size/1024), 3 ).' KB'; } else { $file_size = number_format( $file_size ); } /* * Compose a new caption with a "clickable" document title, date and file size. */ $item_values['caption'] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> <span class="info"><a href="%1$s">%3$s | Size: %4$s</a></span>', $item_values['file_url'], $item_values['title'], $item_values['date'], $file_size ); } return $item_values; }
Thanks for the update – glad you finally have something that works for you.
Actually, the 10240 was intentional. I’d rather see 1,024 than 1.024 KB. Formatting is a matter of personal taste ??
- Removed the spaces and trailing comma from the
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