• Hello
    I am trying to find a solution to this problem and i was wondering if this plugin is the answer, i have tried using it but i cant get it to display posts created with the plugin CPTUI.

    To explain, i have created a CPT and added custom fields using ACF. The CPT has then been styled in elementor. If i look at one of the posts it just has a image on the left and details on the right.

    To show all the CPT’s elementor wants your to use one of their archive widgets. This gives you options on how to display the archive, however what this widget does is show a collection of mini previews to the CPT’s like what you see when you create a blog.

    How can i just display all my CPT’s in a list, so on a page i just see a list of the CPT’s ive added and not the mini preview of them all before clicking through and seeing that single CPT information. Can this plugin display the actual posts in a list?

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