• krexha


    Domain : nogrey.co.uk
    Plugin: 0.7.25

    Does anyone know if this plug in can display a list of jobs? If so what is the short code for it? I cannot seem to find it

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  • jlopez2



    I have the same question too.


    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    Yes it can by modifying the shortcode for “Job List Template” under Settings/ Display Settings. You can give this a try – you will have to adjust your themes style.css for colors, text etc.

    <table class="jobs-table[if_job_highlighted] highlighted[/if_job_highlighted]">
    <tr class="heading">
      <th>Job Description</th>
      <tr class='job'[job_title][job_row_number][job_id]>
        <td>[if_job_icon][job_icon]<br />[/if_job_icon] [job_link] [job_title] [/job_link]</td>
        <td>[job_link]More Info[/job_link]</td>
    <div class="job-nav">
    	<div class="previous">[job_page_previous_link]Previous Page[/job_page_previous_link]</div>
    	<div class="next">[job_page_next_link]Next Page[/job_page_next_link]</div>
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