Display more than 5 markers on the map-view?
Hello again!
There is a setting in the settings page that controls how many listings get displayed in each page. When you set this to a number, for example 5 or 6, it also applies to the map-view of the listings.
This results in only 5 listings displayed on the map-view (only 5 markers)
I think this is a very similar problem to this one here:
display more than 5 custom fields on each listing on the listings pageAnd the fix in that case was to define a number of displayed items independently of the general settings by adding
'posts_per_page' => -1
to the loop for custom fields.I have attached the loop for the map-view of the listings below. How do you display more than 5 listings (markers) on the map view while keeping the setting set to 5?
What I am trying to achieve is 5 listings per page on grid-view and show all listings at once on the map-view.
I hope that’s clear enough.
<!-- the loop --> <div class="acadp-map embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 acadp-margin-bottom" data-type="markerclusterer"> <?php while( $acadp_query->have_posts() ) : $acadp_query->the_post(); $post_meta = get_post_meta( $post->ID ); ?> <?php if( ! empty( $post_meta['latitude'][0] ) && ! empty( $post_meta['longitude'][0] ) ) : ?> <div class="marker" data-latitude="<?php echo $post_meta['latitude'][0]; ?>" data-longitude="<?php echo $post_meta['longitude'][0]; ?>"> <div <?php the_acadp_listing_entry_class( $post_meta, 'media' ); ?>> <?php if( $can_show_images ) : ?> <div class="media-left"> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_acadp_listing_thumbnail( $post_meta ); ?></a> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="media-body"> <div class="acadp-listings-title-block"> <h3 class="acadp-no-margin"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3> <?php the_acadp_listing_labels( $post_meta ); ?> </div> <?php $info = array(); if( $can_show_date ) { $info[] = sprintf( __( 'Posted %s ago', 'advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro' ), human_time_diff( get_the_time( 'U' ), current_time( 'timestamp' ) ) ); } if( $can_show_user ) { $info[] = '<a href="'.acadp_get_user_page_link( $post->post_author ).'">'.get_the_author().'</a>'; } echo '<p class="acadp-no-margin"><small class="text-muted">'.implode( ' '.__( "by", 'advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro' ).' ', $info ).'</small></p>'; ?> <p class="acadp-listings-desc"><?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), $listings_settings['excerpt_length'], '...' ); ?></p> <?php $info = array(); if( $can_show_category && $category = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'acadp_categories' ) ) { $info[] = '<span class="fa fa-flag"></span> <a href="'.acadp_get_category_page_link( $category[0] ).'">'.$category[0]->name.'</a> '; } if( $can_show_location && $location = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'acadp_locations' ) ) { $info[] = ' <span class="fa fa-map-marker"></span> <a href="'.acadp_get_location_page_link( $location[0] ).'">'.$location[0]->name.'</a> '; } if( 'acadp_favourite_listings' == $shortcode ) { $info[] = '<a href="'.acadp_get_remove_favourites_page_link( $post->ID ).'">'.__( 'Remove from favourites', 'advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro' ).'</a>'; } if( $can_show_views && ! empty( $post_meta['views'][0] ) ) { $info[] = sprintf( __( " <span class='fa fa-eye'></span> %d views", 'advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro' ), $post_meta['views'][0] ); } echo '<p class="acadp-no-margin"><small>'.implode( ' | ', $info ).'</small></p>'; if( $can_show_price && isset( $post_meta['price'] ) && $post_meta['price'][0] > 0 ) { $price = acadp_format_amount( $post_meta['price'][0] ); echo '<p class="lead acadp-listings-price">'.acadp_currency_filter( $price ).'</p>'; } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php endwhile; ?> </div> <!-- end of the loop -->
Thank you!
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