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  • Plugin Author Mizuho Ogino


    Hi HerveSLT.

    I update the plugin to 1.1.5. And it allows you to insert [caption] shortcode into the post content area.

    If you want display attachment data with a thumbnail, use img_caption_shortcode filter in your functions.php.
    Here’s an example code. Customize it to your needs

    function add_attachment_data_in_caption( $empty, $attr, $content ) {
    $attr = shortcode_atts( array( 'id'=>'', 'align'=>'alignnone', 'width'=>'', 'caption'=>'' ), $attr );
    if ( 1 > (int) $attr['width'] || empty( $attr['caption'] ) ) return '';
    if ( $attr['id'] ) {
    $attr['id'] = 'id="' . esc_attr( $attr['id'] ) . '" ';
    $attachment_id = explode('_', $attr['id']);
    $attachment_id = $attachment_id[1];// get attachment id
    if( get_post_mime_type ( $attachment_id ) === 'application/pdf' ){
    $attachment = get_post( $attachment_id );
    $bytes = filesize( get_attached_file( $attachment->ID ) );
    if ($bytes >= 1073741824) $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2). ' GB';
    elseif ($bytes >= 1048576) $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2). ' MB';
    elseif ($bytes >= 1024) $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1024, 2). ' KB';
    elseif ($bytes > 1) $bytes = $bytes. ' bytes';
    elseif ($bytes == 1) $bytes = $bytes. ' byte';
    else $bytes = '0 bytes';
    $attr['caption'] =
    'title : ' .$attachment->post_title. '<br/>' . // title
    'caption : ' .$attr['caption']. '<br/>' .// caption
    'size : ' .$bytes. '<br/>' . // file size
    'filetype : ' .get_post_mime_type ( $attachment_id ). '<br/>' . // file type
    'description : ' .$attachment->post_content. '<br/>'; // description
    '<div ' .$attr['id']. 'class="wp-caption ' .esc_attr( $attr['align'] ). '" style="max-width: ' .( 10 + (int) $attr['width'] ). 'px;">' .
    do_shortcode( $content ). '<p class="wp-caption-text">' .$attr['caption']. '</p>' .
    add_filter('img_caption_shortcode', 'add_attachment_data_in_caption', 10, 3);
    Thread Starter HerveSLT


    Thanks a lot Mizuho ??
    I’m gonna try.

    is it possible to return the caption with a link to the pdf?

    Plugin Author Mizuho Ogino


    If you want to insert the caption like an ordinary image file,
    you just need edit the caption of the PDF via ATTACHMENT DETAILS and insert it.
    No need to add filters.

    yes, but i want that the caption is a href link to the pdf file

    Plugin Author Mizuho Ogino


    Try development version.

    Now you can choose to put [Caption] in [Media] selector via ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS.

    Thank you. But now I see the caption only.
    I want to display the pdf thumb and the caption as a link.

    Plugin Author Mizuho Ogino


    Ok, I understand what you want.

    It’s the default behavior of WordPress that the caption and the link with the image are separated. I’m unwilling to modify it because it makes the plugin complicated.

    I am sorry that I could not fulfill your expectations, but it’s not the plugin issue. You need to edit the caption or customize functions.php.

    You can edit the image caption.

    You also can customize by using the filter like below.

    thank you

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