• salocined



    I have been scratching my head for a while and can’t seem to find the right information, not sure I am doing this right.

    I have a the following categories
    – Country A
    –City A
    —Hotels in city A
    —-Hotel type 1
    —-Hotel type 2

    City is a Post.
    When in City, I like to display Hotel Type 1, Hotel type 2 as a listing

    To get the right category ID when in city I do

    $currentcategory = get_the_category();
     $currentcat = $currentcategory[0]->cat_name;
     $currentcategory_id = get_cat_ID($currentcat);

    $currentcategory_id allows me to get the City category ID and then I try to get the child posts of the categories below (hotels)

    Then I do a query_posts to list the Hotels for this city

    Am I complicating it too much?

    Help really appreciated.

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  • Thread Starter salocined





    if it is working, what is the question?

    sounds like you already know how to do it.

    Thread Starter salocined


    Hi Alchymyth,

    No it’s not working.
    I am not getting the correct child category ID.
    $currentcategory_id is giving me the CITY A category.
    But what I need is the category ID of Hotels in city A (1st child of current category).
    If somebody can help me getting this ID, then am ok to list the rest





    so, you basically wnat to show the posts of the child-child category of ‘city’ ?

    do you need to go through all child categories of ‘city’ i.e. the ‘hotels in city a’ level ?

    the categories of the level ‘hotels in a city a’ should be:

    $childs_of_current_cat = get_categories('parent=' . $currentcategory_id);

    if there is only one category, then you could use:
    $child_of_current_cat = $childs_of_current_cat[0]->term_id;

    if there are more than one, and you need to go through all of them, you will need to use a ‘foreach’ loop.


    Thread Starter salocined


    $childs_of_current_cat = get_categories('parent=' . $currentcategory_id); is returning ALL parents categories, not the childs?



    weird, according to the instruction, it shoud return only direct child categories of the category with the id in $currentcategory_id

    what is the output if you do a var_dump($childs_of_current_cat) ?

    i would expect it to show ‘—Hotels in city A’ when you are in the post of level ‘–City A’

    Thread Starter salocined


    I am getting array(0) { }
    This is why it’s displaying all categories…

    $currentcategory_id is definitely correct and return the correct Category ID for the post.
    I just need to get the first child Category ID (Hotels in City A), this way I can list my posts.


    Thx for you help, appreciated

    Thread Starter salocined


    Ok, may be a different way
    If using

    I am getting the correct Category on the page but displayed as

    * Categories
    Hotels in in CITY A

    How can I extract the ID from Hotels in city A and use it in my query posts?

    Thread Starter salocined


    Ok I’ve got it working, might be useful for others

    //get current cat ID
    $currentcategory = get_the_category();
    $currentcat = $currentcategory[0]->cat_name;
    $currentcategory_id = get_cat_ID($currentcat);
    //Get Child of current cat
    $currentcategory = get_categories('orderby=id&use_desc_for_title=1&depth=1&hierarchical=1&hide_empty=0&parent='.$currentcategory_id);
    foreach($currentcategory as $category) {
    $catid = $currentcategory[0]->term_id;

    $catid will be the first child category ID

    Hey @salocined,

    Where does that code reside in your page? Before or after loop?

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