Display posts as thumbs
Hey. I would like to display a list of post with tittle and thumbs. For the tiitle its easy, but i don’t know how to do for the Thumbnails part.
Do i have to write a function or WP can do it directly ? I Would like to avoid plugins for this…
Any idea ?
You’d need to use custom fields to display thumbnail images. It’s pretty easy to do, you just have to go through all your already published posts, and add the custom field.
That should get you started.
<?php the_title(); ?>
<img src=”<?php get_post_meta($post->id , “image”, true); ?>” alt=”<?php the_title(); ?>” />something like that
im not sure
the image is the custom field
Or, an easier way would be:
<?php the_title(); ?> <img src="https://www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/uploads/<?php get_post_meta($post->id , "image", true); ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" />
Then use the built in uploader from your “Write” panel, and just drop in the file name and extension in the custom field.
Save you the trouble of typing out the whole address every time.
Seems nice, thanks
OK now, what if i want to display a list of post titles and thumbs of a categorie, using your method ? ??
Any idea ?
I’ve tried different things but i’m afraid my PHP abilities are near zero, i wish i could leanr to do that thing my self but i’m not even sure where to start (html ? php ? wordpress tags ? something else )…
mikejandreau :… And what will happens if your wordpress uploads are organized by dates ??… The uploaded images aren’t always in wp-content/, but by default in wp-content/year/month…
To display the thumbnail, or any size of the first attachment relative to a post, I don’t use a custom field
I use a function like this one. It looks for the first image relative to a post, uploaded via the write post panel:
function my_post_thumbnail() { global $wpdb; global $post; $post_thumbnail = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts where post_parent= $post->ID and post_type = 'attachment'"); if ($post_thumbnail == 0) { echo ""; } else { echo wp_get_attachment_image($post_thumbnail, $size='thumbnail', $icon = false); } }
This function will output the thumbnail in a html “img src=…” tag if there is an image attached to a the post, but nothing if there is no image…
Then, just use it as a simple template tag, in your loop wherever you want the thumbnail :
<?php my_post_thumbnail(); ?>
To display thumbnails from posts in a specific category, just use query_posts :
Something like :
<?php query_posts('cat=XX'); ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <?php my_post_thumbnail(); ?> <?php endwhile; ?>
Just adjust cat=XX with the ID of the category you want to display.
In fact i put my thumbs in a thumbs folder in uploads ‘by hand’, i don’t want something automatic, there. But its interesting anyway…
Jeez i would like to be able to learn how to do that myself : do you think i need to learn Php ?
Oh and, i found this code before your post, in the french wordpress forum, and it works, i need to compare the method, but i publish it here, for memory.
<div id="galerie-container"> <ul id="galerie-liste"> <?php if(have_posts()) : ?> <?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <li> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"> <img src="<? $cid = $post->ID; $values = get_post_custom_values('thumb', $cid); echo $values[0]; ?>" alt="<? the_title(); ?>" /> <strong><?php the_title(); ?></strong><br /><br /> <span> <span class="reference-detail">Valeur1 :</span><?php $values = get_post_custom_values('valeur1', $cid); echo $values[0]; ?><br /> <span class="reference-detail">Valeur2 :</span><?php $values = get_post_custom_values('valeur2', $cid); echo $values[0]; ?> </span> </a> </li> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php endif; ?> </ul> </div> <!-- fin "galerie-container" -->
Ok, so If you upload manually your thumbs in a thumb folder via ftp, then, go for the custom field solution :
<?php $my_thumb = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'your_thumb_cutsom_field', true); if ($my_thumb == '') { echo ''; } else { echo '<img src="'.your_thumb_cutsom_field.'" alt="" />'; } ?>
This code will look if there is a value in the custom field “your-thumb_custom_field”. If so, it will outbut the value in a “img src=…” html tag. If no it will output nothing.
So, in your_custom_field, you enter the name of the image file as a value when you write a post : thumb_image.jpg
Then, use this code within the loop to display all thumbs from a given category :
<?php query_posts('cat=XX'); ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <?php $my_thumb = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'your_thumb_cutsom_field', true); if ($my_thumb == '') { echo ''; } else { echo '<img src="'.your_thumb_cutsom_field.'" alt="" />'; } ?> <?php endwhile; ?>
If you do it manually, there is another possibility : to name your image/thumbs with the post-slug of the post and then output the slug in an img tag… This way, you don’t even need a custom field and it keeps your database light… I use it a lot, tell me so if you’re interested in such a function.
Oh… I just realised that I made a mistake in the first code above :
<?php $my_thumb = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'your_thumb_cutsom_field', true); if ($my_thumb == '') { echo ''; } else { echo '<img src="https://path/to/your/thumb/dir/"'.your_thumb_cutsom_field.'" alt="" />'; } ?>
You must include your
in the last echo…S.
Thanks, gonna try it, looks good
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