You can achieve this by adding the following to the functions.php
file of your theme:
* Changes the prices summary of events by placing the currency symbol behind ticket prices.
* @param string $prices_summary The current summary.
* @param WPT_Event $event The event.
* @return The new summary.
function place_currency_symbol_behind_price( $prices_summary, $event ) {
global $wp_theatre;
$prices = $event->prices();
if ( count( $prices ) ) {
$price = number_format_i18n( (float) min( $prices ), 2 );
$currency_symbol = '';
if (!empty( $wp_theatre->wpt_tickets_options['currencysymbol'] ) ) {
$currency_symbol = $wp_theatre->wpt_tickets_options['currencysymbol'];
if ( count( $prices ) > 1 ) {
printf( 'from %s %s', $price, $currency_symbol);
} else {
printf( '%s %s', $price, $currency_symbol);
return ob_get_clean();
add_filter( 'wpt/event/prices/summary', 'place_currency_symbol_behind_price', 10, 2);