Display RSS .xml Feed on page
I’ve never spent more time or energy on doing something so simple. All I want to accomplish is to post my rss feed from scoop.it on a page separate from my normal post.
Here is the feed. Which updates and works fine.
Here is the code I put on my WP page.
[hungryfeed url=”https://www.scoop.it/t/satanism-by-kenneth-tabor/rss.xml” feed_fields=”” item_fields=”title,description” link_target=”_blank” force_feed=”1″]
What’s weird is it only pulls the first post from the RSS. As shown on this page.
Thought I would post up a help topic unless I’m missing something blantley obvious, and if anyone has an easier way to do this I’m all ears, because I’ve been working for weeks on this.
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