Hi @hijodeafrica ,
If you want to create a grouped product as the one you described, you’ll need to create two Variable products, not Simple products, which were named Right Eye & Left Eye respectively. You can click on Products >> Add New >> in Product data section, choose “Variable product”. Each of these: Axis, cylinder, and sphere should be the Attributes to be chosen in the Attributes tab (remember to choose the option “Used for variations”, see https://prntscr.com/rknrwn, and the options for each attribute (number or degree) should be the Variations, see https://prntscr.com/rknspj. If you want your products to have options, then they must be created as Variable, not Simple. Simple items only have one choice. Remember to update the price and image for each variation (choices/options) in the Variations tab of each products.
After creating these products, if you don’t want customers to find them from your store, remember to adjust its Visibility to Hidden from search and shop archive. Also, from the admin dashboard, you can go to WPClever >> Grouped Products >> Link to individual products >> “No”, then customers won’t be able to find out that item.
Now, you need to create a new grouped product, choose “Smart grouped” in the Product Data, then add the two newly created products to the deal, then in the front-end, all attributes will be displayed as three drop-downs for buyers to choose. Refer to this to see how it looks: https://prntscr.com/rknv7h.
Follow these steps then you’ll be fine. Hope my explanations are clear enough. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
Best regards.