Just in case someone is interested: I integrated a shortcode to handle the frontend display:
function surl_link_shortcode($atts) {
'id' => '', # ID of the url
'title' => '', # Title of the url
'clicks' => 0, # display the counter
'link' => 1, # do we need a link?
'linktext' => '', # Which text should be displayed?
'target' => '', # Which text should be displayed?
), $atts));
# default values
$url_id = ($id) ? intval($id) : 0;
$url_title = ($title) ? $title : '';
$url_counter = ($clicks) ? true : false;
$url_link = ($link) ? true : false;
$url_linktext = ($linktext) ? $linktext : '';
$url_target = (in_array($target, array('_blank','_self','_top'))) ? $url_target : '_self';
$url_href = '';
$url_count_value = 0;
if(($url_id == 0) && ($url_title != '')) {
# no id found, but there is a title
$linkdata = get_page_by_title($url_title,OBJECT,'surl');
$url_id = $linkdata->ID;
$url_meta = get_post_meta( $url_id ); // array of metadata
$url_href = get_permalink( $url_id ); // the permalink
# is there a meta found?
$url_count_value = intval($url_meta["_surl_count"][0]);
# initialize the shortcode output
$theShortcode = '';
# Build the a tag if needed
if($url_link && $url_href != ''){
$theShortcode .= '<a href="'.$url_href.'"';
$theShortcode .= ' target="'.$url_target.'"';
$theShortcode .= '>';
# output either linktext or permalink
if($url_linktext != ''){
$theShortcode .= $url_linktext;
} else {
$theShortcode .= $url_href;
# Close the a tag if needed
if($url_link && $url_href != ''){
$theShortcode .= '</a>';
# ouput the counter, if needed
$theShortcode .= ' '.sprintf(_n('(%s click so far)','(%s clicks so far)',$url_count_value),$url_count_value);
return $theShortcode;
Just add it to the __construct():
add_shortcode('surl_link', array(&$this, 'surl_link_shortcode'));
After that you can use a shortcode like this:
[surl_link id=” title=” clicks=1 link=1 linktext=’Your linktext here’ target=’_self’]
Hope that helps someone ??