• Resolved minomet


    Hey i really enjoy the plugin. Congratulations, is really functionaly.

    I would like to add the vendors name, (like sold by “x”) in the order details,
    how i can do that? Thanks

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  • Plugin Author WebWizards


    Hi there,

    Can you please clarify in what panel / page do you mean? Might help if you can share a screenshot.

    The customer can see the vendor when they go to My Account -> Orders here: https://prnt.sc/-6fjux7kVdeo

    In the backend, you can see the vendor for each order in WooCommerce -> Orders: https://prnt.sc/UBtv2tCAzfBQ

    Thread Starter minomet


    hi, thanks for reply.

    I like to see the vendors name in the Order Details that display in every Thank you page after purchase a product

    Plugin Author WebWizards


    You can achieve that by adding this PHP code snippet to your site:
    (can be added to functions.php or to any snippets plugin)

    add_action('woocommerce_order_item_meta_end', function($item_id, $item, $order, $val){
    	$vendor = get_post_field( 'post_author', $item->get_product_id() );
    	echo '<br>Vendor: <strong>'.marketking()->get_store_name_display($vendor).'</strong>';
    }, 10, 4);

    You should be able to see the vendor here: https://prnt.sc/NtobogkNxJVQ

    Thread Starter minomet


    Awesome, thanks for the excelent support and plugiN! Gracias

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