• Richard,

    The ABASE plugin provides a very useful resource which I would be most happy to pay for. I cannot find anything that approaches functionality
    for accessing databases. However, I cannot do a fundamental task that is outlined below. I hope I can be directed in the right direction to solve this problem.

    • Enter search criteria into Search form – Works
    • Returns a list of items (Primary key and description) of items meeting the search criteria – Works
    • Click the link associated with the primary key of the required item – Works
    • Display a Record View of selected fields in the table IF the table that has foreign keys defined – Error is displayed.

    An example is provided below.

    Table: wp_wnc_food_des
    Column: NDB_No
    Column: Long_Desc

    Table: wp_wnc_abbrev
    Column: NDB_No
    Column: Shrt_Desc

    The tables are using InnoDB engine.

    Page 2

    Uses the shortcode below to list NDB_No, Long_Desc in table wp_wnc_food_des with a link on NDB_No

    [abase table=”wp_wnc_food_des” columns=”NDB_No,Long_Desc” rlink=”NDB_No,https://localhost/test-db-3″%5D

    This is as expected. Working well up to this point.

    Page 3

    Uses the shortcode below with the expectation to display a record view of an row in table wp_wnc_abbrev as specified in the link above.

    [abase table=”wp_wnc_abbrev” limit = “1” fields=”NDB_No,Long_Desc” ack=”4, blue” ]

    The response from ABASE is below.


    #1. [abase table=”wp_wnc_abbrev” ack=”4, blue”] ************ NOTE: The fields attribute has been deleted from the shortcode that was defined.
    Fatal Error (1376) Column ‘NDB_No’ in where clause is ambiguous

    SELECT *
    FROM wp_wnc_abbrev
    LEFT JOIN wp_wnc_food_des AS wp_wnc_abbrev$NDB_No$wp_wnc_food_des
    ON wp_wnc_abbrev.NDB_No=wp_wnc_abbrev$NDB_No$wp_wnc_food_des.NDB_No
    LEFT JOIN wp_wnc_fd_group AS wp_wnc_abbrev$NDB_No$wp_wnc_food_des$FdGrp_Cd$wp_wnc_fd_group



    WHERE NDB_No=’11031′ table_error = ” cols_in = ” fields_in = ” columns_in = ‘*’ form = ”


    How do you specify a unique NDB_No column name? In this case it should be associated with the table wp_wnc_abbrev.

    The response indicates that columns_in = ‘*’. I have tried setting the attributes fields, columns, cols, columns_in to the required fields but columns_in is always shown as ‘*’

    The SELECT statement without the WHERE clause works as expected.

    Richard Harding


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