• Resolved brad1004


    Hi there.

    Just having a look at your plugin and was wondering if you can point me in the right direction.

    I wish to display custom fields linked to a custom post type in your Carousel.

    In the widget area when creating a instance of your Carousel my custom post type is available and under post options I have a tick box to select my custom fields – but these do not show on the actual front end display.

    I gather I would need to code in these custom fields – can you tell me how best to do this please.

    Kind Regards


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  • Plugin Author teastudio.pl


    it’s possible by using filters from this plugin.

    Lists of filters:

    * wpc_query (1 parameter – $value)
    * wpc_item_featured_image_placeholder (1 parameter – $value)
    * wpc_item_featured_image (2 parameters – $value, $params)
    * wpc_item_title (2 parameters – $value, $params)
    * wpc_item_created_date (2 parameters – $value, $params)
    * wpc_item_categories (2 parameters – $value, $params)
    * wpc_item_description (2 parameters – $value, $params)
    * wpc_item_tags (2 parameters – $value, $params)
    * wpc_item_buttons (2 parameters – $value, $params)

    Choose where you want to display custom data and display it in a selected filter, see an example: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/remove-view-all-link-top-right-hand-side?replies=2

    If you will have any problems with coding you can order this kind of modification.

    Thread Starter brad1004


    Hi Teastudio

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    I have looked into the filters – but before I spend more time trying to get this to work may I please confirm that I can get custom fields to display – for example:
    <?php the_field(‘my-custom-field-1’); ?>
    <?php the_field(‘my-custom-field-2’); ?>
    <?php the_field(‘my-custom-field-3’); ?>

    These would also need to be wrapped in individual divs

    Is there a way to create a custom template to display posts in your Carousel?

    Kind Regards

    Plugin Author teastudio.pl


    yes, I confirm ?? You can easily use a custom html formatting in a selected filter.

    See an example of usage https://gist.github.com/CotswoldPhoto/ffffeae2768274a81b20#gistcomment-1665384

    Thread Starter brad1004


    Hi Teastudio

    Thank you very much for taking the time to reply, confirming I can add custom fields and including an example link.

    May I ask if my first attempt , below is following on the right track (I have never used filters or hooks before)


    function my-custom-field-1($custom_field_1);

    $custom_field_1 ='<div class=”custom-one”>’;
    $custom_field_1 = **Still working on this one””
    $custom_field_1 = ‘</div>’;

    add_filter(‘wpc_query’, ‘my-custom-field-1’);

    Kind Regards

    Hi brad1004,
    I’m also struggling to show some custom fields from a custom post type, did you manage to get it working?

    Thread Starter brad1004


    Hi redywebs

    No – I have put this on hold hoping for a comment from Teastudio .

    I will keep you post when I get this working, please do the same.

    Kind Regards

    Plugin Author teastudio.pl


    a give you an working example of usage:

    function my_wpc_disable_featured_image_link( $featured_image, $params ) {
        if ( $params['params']['show_featured_image'] === 'true' ) {
            $data_src = 'src="' . $params['image'] . '"';
            $image_class = null;
            if ($params['params']['lazy_load'] === 'true') {
                $data_src = 'data-src="' . $params['image'] . '" data-src-retina="' . $params['image']. '"';
                $image_class = 'class="owl-lazy"';
            $featured_image = '<div class="wp-posts-carousel-image">';
                $featured_image.= '<img alt="' . $params['post']->post_title . '" style="max-width:' . $params['params']['image_width'] . '%;max-height:' . $params['params']['image_height'] . '%" ' . $data_src . $image_class . '>';
            $featured_image.= '</div>';
            $featured_image .= '<p>' . the_field('my-custom-field-1') . '</p>';
    add_filter('wpc_item_featured_image', 'my_wpc_disable_featured_image_link', 1, 2);

    I have tried using wpc_item_description filter, but can not get it working. Never worked with filters or such. Hope you can help Teastudio.

    Here is what I have:

    function my_wpc_item_description( $description, $params ) {
    	$taxonomy = 'writers';
    	$tax_terms = get_terms( $taxonomy );
    	if ($tax_terms) {
    	    foreach ($tax_terms as $tax_term) {
    	        $writer = $tax_term->name;
    	 // show excerpt or full content
                if ( $params['show_description'] === 'content' ) {
                    $description = '<div class="wp-posts-carousel-desc"><h3>' . $writer . '</h3></div>';
    	return $description;
    add_filter('wpc_item_description', 'my_wpc_item_description');

    Plugin Author teastudio.pl


    are you sure that you have taxonomy named “writers” not “writer” ?

    function my_wpc_item_description( $description, $params ) {
            $description = null;
            $writer = null;
    	$taxonomy = 'writer';
    	$tax_terms = get_terms( $taxonomy );
    //check what is returned
    	if ($tax_terms) {
    	    foreach ($tax_terms as $tax_term) {
    	        $writer = $tax_term->name;
    //you want to get only the last writer?
    	 // show excerpt or full content
                if ( $params['show_description'] === 'content'  && $writer != null) {
                    $description = '<div class="wp-posts-carousel-desc"><h3>' . $writer . '</h3></div>';
    	return $description;
    add_filter('wpc_item_description', 'my_wpc_item_description');
    Plugin Author teastudio.pl


    one more correction:

    add_filter('wpc_item_description', 'my_wpc_item_description', 1, 2);

    Yes I have a taxonomy named writers for a custom post type named books. So my intention is to have the book title and the author/writer of that book shown in WP Posts Carousel. And you guessed that one right, some books do have more than one author/writer.

    I give your corrections a try. Thank you Teastudio.

    Plugin Author teastudio.pl



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