• This has been driving me crazy!!!

    I am creating a small plugin with two tables”


    post_id father_id




    My question is this

    How do i display a table of spouses?

    ie grab the first_name, family_name for spouse one and the first_name, familyname of spouse2 from table1 and the date_of_marriage from table2 based on the person_id and spouse_id of table2.

    I can get the table to display one spouse member but not the other:

    I would like the output table to have the following headings:

    Spouse 1 Marriage Date Spouse 2

    First Name Family Name Date of Marriage First Name Family Name

    The code I have tried is:

    include ('tablename.php'); // This contains the names of the tables
    $result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT $table_name.first_name, $table_name.family_name,           $table_name.sex, $table_name.post_id,  $table_name2.date_of_marriage,  $table_name2.person_id, $table_name2.spouse_id, $table_name2.marriage_id FROM $table_name JOIN $table_name2 ON $table_name.id=$table_name2.person_id ORDER BY '$table_name2.id ASC'" );
    $spouse_id  = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT spouse_id FROM $table_name2 WHERE person_id = $id" );
    $marriage_id  = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT marriage_id FROM $table_name2 WHERE person_id = id and spouse_id = $spouse_id" );
    <th class="menu_heading">
    First Name</th>
    <th class="menu_heading">
    Family Name</th>
    <th class="menu_heading small">
    Edit Wife</th>
    <th class="menu_heading">
    <th class="menu_heading small">
    Edit Date</th>
    <th class="menu_heading small">
    // Loop through the results to display the obtained information
    foreach ($result as $result){
    <tr class="menu_list">
    <td ><?php echo $result->first_name;?></td>
    <td ><?php echo $result->family_name;?></td>
    <td ><?php echo $result->marriage_date;?></td>

    Any Assistance is appreciated


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  • It’s been a long day, so I’m providing the following SQL, untested and off the top of my head, but I think you’re probably looking for something like this:

    	spouse1_info.first_name AS spouse1_first_name,
    	spouse1_info.family_name AS spouse1_family_name,
    	spouse2_info.first_name AS spouse2_first_name,
    	spouse2_info.family_name AS spouse2_family_name
    FROM table2 AS marriage_info
    INNER JOIN table1 AS spouse1_info
    ON marriage_info.persion_id = spouse1_info.id
    INNER JOIN table1 AS spouse2_info
    ON marriage_info.spouse_id = spouse2_info.id

    However, if your marriage info table has a record for each spouse, then you’re going to see the relationship show up twice in your results, like
    Bob, Jones, 1988-01-02, Sally, Jones
    Sally, Jones, 1988-01-02, Bob, Jones

    If that’s a problem, then you should consider just storing the marriage_id in table1 for each person and get rid of the person_id and spouse_id fields in table2. In fact, that makes more sense than the method above.

    Also, make sure you’re cleaning the values in those variables before using them in your SQL queries. As your code stands right now, you’re quite vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

    Thread Starter wdlyons



    Will give it ago.

    I thought about adding the marriage_id to the person table but thought multiple marriages may cause a problem.

    Will let you know how it turns out

    Thanks Again


    First, analyze your desired output:

    I want a table of data where the data consists of

    WHERE a.data and b.data come from either side of the join.

    i.e. I don’t care if person a and person b come from left side or right side of join

        a.first_name AS spouse1_first_name,
        a.family_name AS spouse1_family_name,
        b.first_name AS spouse2_first_name,
        b.family_name AS spouse2_family_name
    FROM table2 j
      INNER JOIN table1 a
        ON a.id = j.person_id OR a.id = j.spouse_id
      INNER JOIN table2 b
        ON b.id = j.person_id OR b.id = j.spouse_id
    Thread Starter wdlyons



    I am having difficulties getting it to work. My interpretation is as follows

    Am I correct in assuming that the code I use is

    Where $tablename is the person table (a)and $tablename2 is the marriage info table (b and j)

    $table_name.first_name AS spouse1_first_name,
    $table_name.family_name AS spouse1_family_name, $table_name2.date_of_marriage,
    $table_name.first_name AS spouse2_first_name,
    $table_name.family_name AS spouse2_family_name
    FROM $table_name
    INNER JOIN $table_name ON $table_name.id=$table_name2.person_id OR $table_name.id=$table_name2.spouse_id
    INNER JOIN $table_name2 ON $table_name.id=$table_name2.person_id OR $table_name.id=$table_name2.spouse_id `

    Thanks in advance

    You’re pretty close.

    First, I’d encourage you to use more descriptive variable names rather than generic ones like $table_name and $table_name2. It’s easy to get confused with non-descriptive names. Imagine what would happen if you had five or six tables to join.

    I believe c_cav and I were both referring to the “person table” as “$table_name” and the “marriage table” as “table_name2”.

    With c_cav’s SQL, the substitution should be as simple as:

        a.first_name AS spouse1_first_name,
        a.family_name AS spouse1_family_name,
        b.first_name AS spouse2_first_name,
        b.family_name AS spouse2_family_name
    FROM $table_name2 j
      INNER JOIN $table_name a
        ON a.id = j.person_id OR a.id = j.spouse_id
      INNER JOIN $table_name2 b
        ON b.id = j.person_id OR b.id = j.spouse_id

    Notice how only three substitutions for $table_name and $table_name2 were required: one in the FROM clause and two in the JOIN clauses. This is possible because we’re using the table aliases ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘j’, so you only need to define the alias once, then you can use the aliases everywhere else in the SQL. You can use aliases on tables or columns. The “AS” keyword is optional, but I prefer it for readability.

    On that note, I think c_cav arbitrarily chose ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘j’ for example purposes. It works, but again, the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘j’ are no more descriptive than “table_name” and “table_name2”. In your actual code, you’d probably want to use something more descriptive like ‘p’ for person and ‘m’ for marriage… or just ‘person’ and ‘marriage’. Whatever is best for readability.

    When you want to get the value of spouse 1’s first name, you’ll use the column name “spouse1_first_name”, not “first_name” or “a.first_name”.

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter wdlyons


    Thank You.

    You guys are Jets. Worked like a charm.

    Just wonder if I could push the friendship that one more step. It was mentioned about “cleaning the values” prior to output. What method would you recommend?

    I run the input through sanitize_text_field and a check input function:

    function check_input($data, $problem=”)
    $data = strip_tags($data);
    $data = trim($data);
    $data = stripslashes($data);
    $data = htmlspecialchars($data);

    if ($problem && strlen($data) == 0)

    but unsure what is the best method for output.

    Thanks Heaps


    Glad we could help. With regards to output, in the examples you’ve provided so far you should be fine displaying the data exactly as it appears in the database (unless you need to reformat it for some reason).

    Generally, you’d concern yourself with validating input before you save it to the database. In some cases a person might try to embed some malicious code (i.e., JavaScript) into a comment or post. This rogue input might pass your SQL injection filter but would be harmful if you output it to the browser of an unsuspecting visitor. So you’d need to come up with a filter or validation check that does more that just look for SQL injection attacks.

    However it’s difficult (or impossible) to detect every type of exploit you might encounter. So, in some cases it doesn’t hurt to use some kind of output filtering (like htmlspecialchars or strip_tags) before displaying strings of user-submitted data. But things like dates, numbers, etc. should be fine as-is.

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