Displaying Post Data From Specific Event Category
Hello everyone, I am using this plugin and i’m loving it. I have a problem I will be very happy if you can help.
So i want to display today’s posts from specific event category in my wordpress loop, im not a php programer but i was try something like this;
<?php $day = date('j'); query_posts('day='.$day.'&ai1ec_cat_name=concerts&post_type=ai1ec_event&showposts=25&orderby=date&order=DESC&post_status=future&post_status=published'); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // uploaded post images the_post_thumbnail('concerts'); } else { // if image doesnt exist echo '<img class="attachment-archive wp-post-image" width="300" height="275" src="'.get_bloginfo("template_url").'/images/no_image.png" />'; } ?> </a> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php endif; ?>
but its seems not working. I’m not sure ai1ec_cat_name=concertsandpost_type=ai1ec_event about this.
P.S:Sorry about bad English.
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