Thanks for your question. You can display anything you want before your [mla_gallery]
images by creating a custom markup template and adding your heading/gallery title to the markup template’s “Open:” section. You can find some step-by-step guidance in this earlier topic:
PDF Feed alignment and numering results
You can skip the “Style” template portion of that topic; the default styles will work just fine. You can copy the five parts of the default markup template as well, then modify the “Open:” part to add your heading. Here is an example:
<h3>[+template:([+my_gallery_title+]|Default Gallery Title)+]</h3>
<div id='[+selector+]' class='gallery galleryid-[+id+] gallery-columns-[+columns+] gallery-size-[+size_class+]'>
Row Open:
(leave this part blank)
<[+itemtag+] class='gallery-item [+last_in_row+]'>
<[+icontag+] class='gallery-icon [+orientation+]'>
<[+captiontag+] class='wp-caption-text gallery-caption'>
Row Close:
<br style="clear: both" />
The only change from the default template is the addition of <h3>[+template:([+my_gallery_title+]|Default Gallery Title)+]</h3>
to the Open part. You can experiment with placing this before or after the <div>
tag, and you can substitute other content for the [+template:([+my_gallery_title+]|Default Gallery Title)+]
parameter. In my example you can code a gallery-specific title in your shortcode, e.g., [mla_gallery mla_markup="my_template" my_gallery_title="Gallery-specific Title"]
or leave it out to get the default title.
I hope that gets you started. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions about using a custom template to get the gallery display you need. Thanks for a question that should interest other MLA users as well.