• Hello, I have tried to have Disqus comments import to WP Comments:

    New Import
    Import each record as: Comments
    Import new items only & Skip Existing Items
    File Data Preview: disqus
    Save Setting: Test01
    Search Existing Item: Content
    Update Existing items Fields: Update all data
    Confirm & Run Import

    but it is only with error:

    [10:30:09] Record #1
    [10:30:09] ERROR : Post not found

    How can I have Disqus send over to WP comments?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by TheDani.
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  • Plugin Author vjinfotech



    Thanks for getting in touch

    Please mail me on [email protected] with your issue with details. i will provide solution in minimum time.

    Let me know if you have any questions

    Thanks and have a nice day

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