@hannesertl to answer your question:
You probably activated Recaptcha V3 in your contact form. Because Recaptcha places third-party marketing cookies, you need to ask consent to your visitors before Recaptcha may be activated.
When going through the Complianz wizard, you should have received a warning that our site uses Recaptcha, and that you need to do some manual configuration regarding Recaptcha.
Because Racaptcha requires consent in order to comply with the GDPR/DSGVO, Complianz blocks the script. There are two possible solutions:
1. Deactivate the Complianz Recaptcha integration (Complianz -> Integrations -> Recaptcha). Please note that this is not GDPR/DSGCO compliant.
2. Configure a warning to visitors, which reminds them to accept cookies before sending the form. This is done in a few simple steps, as described in this article: https://complianz.io/divi-the-contactform-doesnt-work/
I hope this helps. Please let us know if we can provide any further support.
Kind regards,