I have two websites running with EPL, divi and WPML, and all works well, only the manually set labels for “new”, “sold”, etc as set in the EPL settings page are not translated.
For the Suburb/Town/City Label and Additional Address Field Label you can add this in your child theme’s functions.php:
add_filter( 'epl_search_widget_label_property_location', function( $string ) {
return icl_translate( 'EPL', 'search_widget_label_property_location', $string );
} );
add_filter( 'epl_search_widget_label_property_address_city', function( $string ) {
return icl_translate( 'EPL', 'search_widget_label_property_address_city', $string );
} );
I hope the plugin author can add the variables for the new, sold etc label?
Also, WPML had indiucated:
As for a long term solution, the author should be displaying the labels through __() or similar.
Please add this as a feature request!