• ka81


    Theme is – https://www.ads-software.com/extend/themes/simple-notepad

    Theme Name:		Simple Notepad
    Theme URI: 		https://thestateofflux.com/simple-notepad-theme
    Version: 		1.0.1
    Description: 	A clean design reminiscient of a notepad on a desk.  This theme is suitable for multiple authors and features an about page for each one.  Uses gravatars, widgets, SEO.
    Author: 		Damien Flux
    Author URI:		https://thestateofflux.com
    Tags:			two-columns, fixed-width
    Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
    /********** MAIN **********/
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    right now it’s like this – https://x-files.net.ua/

    can somebody please help me to make it like that – https://files.ka81.com/pic/css-editing-bg.jpg

    Thanx very much!!!

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • buddha-trance


    The paper background is an image under .wrap
    .wrap {width:960px; margin:20px auto; border:1px solid black; background: transparent url("images/paper.jpg");}

    You may have to take it out from there, cut it to 3 desired sizes, and add it as a background to .header .content and .sidebar

    or .. just get rid of the image and add a background color to those three areas, then adjust padding and margins as needed.

    Thread Starter ka81


    You may have to take it out from there, cut it to 3 desired sizes, and add it as a background to .header .content and .sidebar

    but i all the time adding new posts, and in sidebar i could place a new widget, so – how can i now what size of background should i cut for every element (heder, sidebar,content)?



    Take a look at the image you have paper.jpg, it may already be a small repeating pattern (a tile), in which case, just add it as background to each of the three section instead of .wrap

    I don’t know the original size of your image. You can easily find free paper background patterns on a google search, if yours is not tiled already.

    With a tile, the area will adjust to the size of content.

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