• I looked through about every link I could find, but they were WP specific issues. This is more of a DNS issue.

    I have a multisite setup that I had a lot of fun setting up, but now I realize my sites are too different, and I need to make them individual sites and shut the multisite install down.

    It is a “subdomain” install.

    The problem is that when I try to use cpanel to create a new user, the DNS stuff tells me that the domain is already setup.

    This new “individual” account is actually on the same reseller account at HostGator.

    The problem is that once I have done everything to the DNS settings that I know how, the domainname newsite.com still points to the multisite install at oldmultisite.com.

    Then I get this screen that says “Greetings Site Administrator! You are currently allowing “none” registrations. To change or disable registration go to your Options page.
    Registration has been disabled.”

    Since this first site has low traffic and it is for my son’s project, I left the DNS like that all night and nothing.

    Then this morning I just went into the WP settings on the multisite and changed the domain mapping to map newsite.com back to it’s place on the multisite, and everything is pointing to multisite and the site pops back up.

    The problem is that I want it to be an individual site not a multisite.

    Should I post the domain names here or in a PM so that you can see what I have?

    SO, the question is:

    Does anyone know how I should setup newsite.com so that it goes to newsite.com?

    Thanks a ton,


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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Does anyone know how I should setup newsite.com so that it goes to newsite.com?

    Is newsite.com currently parked on top of oldmultisite.com?

    Thread Starter RealtyCandy.com


    It is.

    Thread Starter RealtyCandy.com


    Oh. Parked??

    No. When I look at Cpanel and “parked domains” on oldmultsite.com the domain newsite.com is NOT there.

    I have done the domain mapping of newsite.com to newsite.oldmultsite.com and it works. ??

    Thread Starter RealtyCandy.com


    Another thing with this is the IP numbers.

    To make multisite work, the IP is (not real IP number) for the multisite.

    The “newsite.com” at domaindossier.com is showing

    I had pointed everything to the for multisite, maybe I pointed too hard.

    Ok. Now it looks like it is working.

    Thread Starter RealtyCandy.com



    Thanks for looking at this.

    I guess it was a DNS propagation issue?

    Thread Starter RealtyCandy.com


    I had left it all night and nothing happened.

    So, I guess the solution. (I will try newsite2.com today) is to change all the IP numbers, setup the site on the new site, keep domain mapping in place. And then wait.

    Once the site has had 24-48 hours to propogate, verify, then shutdown newsite.com on the multisite.

    I apologize for taking up time and resources. Maybe someone else can use this.



    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I have done the domain mapping of newsite.com to newsite.oldmultsite.com and it works. ??

    Just to roll back – When you did THAT, newsite.com had to be ‘parked’ somehow on top of oldmultisite.com in cpanel (I say parked because that’s how cPanel calls it most of the time). That’s what tells your server ‘Hey, newsite.com is really oldmultisite.com’ and WP handles the rest.

    Since you wanted to divorce that, you have to remove whatever you did to park it from cpanel. THEN you can create the domain anew via a separate account or whatever.

    Thread Starter RealtyCandy.com


    I did that last night.

    SO, the REAL answer to that question is

    newsite.com WAS parked at one time on multisite.com

    Then last night at about 10:30 I un-parked it. But it wouldn’t work right until late this morning.

    I even looked at it when I woke up about 7 am this morning and it didn’t work.

    Then, without me changing anything, it started to work about 11:30 (when I noticed) this morning.

    It could have even been my router cache or who knows what.



    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    DNS changes can take 72 hours :/ They’re annoying.

    Also I’m pretty sure that all DNS caches are playing April Fools on us right now.

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