• Resolved the8055


    Hi TSF team,

    Thank you for creating such a simple SEO Plugin. It helps. I just want to know if I need to add a redirection plugin to manage the 301 and 404 issues or such problems are already managed by TSF automatically.



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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    Google Search Console will report 404 issues from internal and external linking.
    The SEO Framework does not automatically resolve 404 issues. Unless many are reported by Google, you can often ignore 404 errors.

    404s are caused by a wrong link within or to your site.

    If the link is wrong within your site, you could simply update the link.

    If the link is to your site and causes a 404 error, you should consider implementing a 301 link if the traffic is high and a suitable page is available. If there isn’t a suitable page, you should just keep the 404 error.

    Make the 404 page informative: Tell your visitors they’ve landed on a page that doesn’t exist, and perhaps suggest pages they might be interested in. Here’s an example of a bad 404 page: https://theseoframework.com/404; do what I say, not what I do.

    A 404-monitor plugin will just report bot traffic and bog down your site. It’s best to use Google Search Console for this.

    If you want a 301 manager, you could try this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/redirection/.
    I have plans to create a similar plugin because it lacks some functionality for SEO.

    I hope this helps ?? Cheers!

    Thread Starter the8055


    I have gone through a lot of post in TSF section in last few days. All your answers are so detailed and precise and that really gives me the confidence to use this plugin more so.

    But how do you get the time to do all other stuff and manage this time. Do you use any time managing apps or it’s just inbuilt.

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    The answer is that I don’t ?? I simply triage all the work in my head and end up not making a proper Knowledge Base index while hoping nobody notices that.

    I also haven’t released an update in nearly six months because releasing one takes up north of 60 hours of my week (because suddenly, people know SEO exists again, go by unrelated details in Google Search Console, and notify me about Google’s misinterpretations… on the plus side, my income doubles that week). So, I simply keep on developing until I tackle every bug. Once those updates are released, TSF’s plugins will be stable for another 5 years, allowing me to address support topics again and not fix the Knowledge Base.

    Feel free to open a new topic if you have any more questions ?? Thanks for indulging me in sharing something new. Have a lovely day!

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