• Hi:

    I’m about to start setting up a wordpress blog. Can I use the domain name for my current site or do I need to buy a new one?

    For instance if my domain name is xyz.com, can I just put the domain name in a folder on that web server?



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  • You need to tell your host that you are hosting your domain on their computer. Meaning you don’t need a different domail just for WordPress.

    Then depending on how you host sets up your web-root folder, you would install WordPress in that folder.

    See Installing WordPress and Giving WordPress its own Directory

    Also, if you want people to access your blog at https://www.sample.com/blog, then you would install WordPress in the blog folder in your domain’s web-root folder.

    I have a similar question.

    My website is mywebsite.com, and my first blog is mywebsite.com/goodblog/
    I would like to call my second blog mywebsite.com/greatblog/, but right now it is mywebsite.com/WordPress/.

    To change the name from WordPress to greatblog, can anyone please tell me how, or where to look on Codex? I read the first link above and didn’t see this mentioned, and the second link is a blank page.

    I can see the WordPress folder under public html, but can’t see how to change the name of it. Also, do I have to start another Mysql database for this?

    Thanks so much.

    You could have just started with creating a “greatblog” folder and install WP in that, or you can do that still of course. I don’t know why you can’t edit the folder name, but you would have had to do some other changes too in WP.
    Maybe this article can give you an idea of how to change the foldername without having to change everything and this one might answer your other question.

    ur not required the domain name..
    [sig moderated]

    Thank you, Gangleri. As you can see, it took me a week to get up nerve to do this.

    Actually, the first article is outdated, and not necessary for what I needed. To help someone else, here’s how I did it:

    Ignore Codex. In 2.5 there is no options tab. In admin, go to General/Settings, and change WordPress address and blog address to your new name. I already had website.com/WordPress and I wanted to change it to website.com/Great_Blog, so I changed both addresses.

    I also checked to make sure I had my login name and password right in front of me! THEN I hit save for the settings.

    Your admin page will disappear.

    AFTER you have changed your address in admin, then you go to your server and change the name of your WordPress folder to Great_Blog. Then just type in new url, log in, and it’s all fine! Very simple, but important to do it in that order.

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