I understood your concern, that you want to assign the a paid membership plan to the user when the current free membership plan expires, if so then ARMember does provide action to be performed after the plan duration is finished/expired which you can set from ARmember -> Manage Plans -> Add/Edit Plan page and set a membership plan for the “End Of Term Action” dropdown (set membership plan that you don’t allow to purchase front frontend so, only after this plan expires members can see that paid plan).
Regarding “How I remove the renew option of the free membership?”, as I understood your request, you want to remove the renew button option from the back-end at “ARMember -> Manage Members -> Edit Member”, if so, then unfortunately, it will not be possible to achieve this.
Regarding displaying the upgrade option to a paid membership, you can set the setup of the paid membership plan to be displayed only for the members that have the free membership plan with the help restrict content shortcode.
To set the restrict content shortcode with the setup, go to “ARMember -> Add/Edit page”, here, add a new “Restrict Content Shortcode” block, now within the popup, for the “Restriction Type” option, selec the option “Show content only for” from the dropdown and selec the plan from the “Target User Dropdown”, a below like shotcode will be generated.
[arm_restrict_content plan=”1,” type=”show”]
Content Here
From the above shrtcode, replace the “Content Here” part with the paid plan membership setup and after that onlt the members having the plan 1 will be displayed the setup. Please check accordingly and let me know if there is anything else.