Had some time to look into this some more and can confirm my previous quick assessement;
The CSS-file is 1.2MB (but goes over the wire compressed to 262.8 KB). That size is not the problem in/ of itself, but the amount of CSS rules (14556 according to this JS-based counter, 9704 according to my browser’s style editor) will be, cfr. this stackoverflow answer for more in-depth information.
So if you need this fixed (because although IE7/8/9 are no longer supported by MS IE 8 and 9 still have market share) you should either disable CSS optimization or exclude some of the CSS, for example:
font-awesome.css, plugins/ubermenu/, plugins/gravityforms, reset-bootstrap.css, tmf-shortcodes.css, store.css
this will require testing though, as this changes the order of loaded style rules, which can lead to inconsistencies.