Just because YOU cannot get it to work does not justify you rating a very good
@deepee, Just as you had a good experience with the plugin, you rated the plugin well – this person had a bad experience with the plugin an rated the plugin poorly. It is justified both ways. It’s not really your place to deny someone else’s experience, though he even unnecessarily apologised for you which was nice.
@foliovision, Using grammar, punctuation or English is not a requirement for a review. You need to be aware that English is not everyone’s first language. Some people may even be using a translator to post here.
Please don’t take ratings so seriously. They are there to help authors discuss what went wrong so that those issues can be improved. The author had 5 months to respond, and can still respond (and the rating can still be changed).
Moderators are pretty good at picking up spam when we see it. I’ll even investigate this case with you, but instead assume that it’s not spam until we have picked it up.