• Hi All!

    Experienced Computer People, who constantly are posting in different sites, have told me the following:

    “If I have to Register to Post, I just go to another site”. That actually nobody wants to take the time to Register.

    Is there a “User”, “Guest” place, where people DO NOT have to REGISTER to POST?
    If not, How can they post without Registering?

    Thanks in advanced,


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  • If by post you mean add a comment. You should look in your wp admin area. Under the Settings menu there is a sub menu called discussion. Just untick ” Users must be registered and logged in to comment ”

    There are two ways to address this issue:

    (1) As suggested by sylvain.d above: disable the requirement for people to register in order to post comments.

    (2) Allow visitors to use their established identities elsewhere (eg Facebook, Tweeter, WordPress.com, etc) in lieu of registering. I use the Social Connect plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/social-connect/) for this on my sites.

    but as a piece of advice, it’s not a good idea to let any passing spammer or robot pepper your site with comments linking out to porn, viagra and other south of the border pharmaceuticals!

    if people don’t want to take 5 minutes to register in order to interact with you and your site then do you really want them anyway?

    There are two types of spams to guard against: auto-spams and manual spams. In addition to Akismet, I use the following plugins to guard against both: NoSpamNX (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/nospamnx/) for spam bots and abuse.ch httpBL check (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/abusech-httpbl-check/) for known spammers.

    If you have good anti-spams installed, requiring no registration from commenters is not really a big problem anymore.

    Of course, you can forget about anti-spams, too, if you don’t mind moderating each and every comment that’s posted.

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