Do this to use it in multilingual site
i’m using qtranslate-x and qtranslate-slug.
to be able to use custom text and custom link you need to change the code of the plugin:
file: uk-cookie-consent.php
line: 351 should be:
$current_text = __( $options['catapult_cookie_text_settings']);
line: 356 should be:
$accept_text = __( $options['catapult_cookie_accept_settings']);
line: 361 should be:
$more_text = __( $options['catapult_cookie_more_settings']);;
line: 366 should be:
$link_text = strtolower ( __( $options['catapult_cookie_link_settings']) );
on the settings page: (example)
Notification text -> [:en]This site uses cookies[:pt]Este site utiliza cookies.[:]
Accept text -> OK
More info text -> [:en]Find out more[:pt]Saiba mais[:]
Info page permalink -> [:en]/en/cookies/[:pt]cookies[:]
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