• is there a simple way to change the TinyMCE editor from XHTML code to HTML code?

    Is the entire WordPress source files built on the XHTML doctype standards?

    Examples would be shortags: <br /> vs <br />

    Edit: lol even this post editor is forcing my br tags with a ending slash

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  • is there a simple way to change the TinyMCE editor from XHTML code to HTML code?

    Not that I know of.

    Is the entire WordPress source files built on the XHTML doctype standards?


    I think there are no way to force tinymce use HTML code instead of XHTML.

    You could filter the content server-side just before it’s added to the database, replacing ‘/>’ for ‘>’?

    is there a simple way to change the TinyMCE editor from XHTML code to HTML code?

    Why would you want to do that?

    There is now an HTML5 wordpress theme. You might look at it, it surely has such function

    @marie-aude – HTML5 supports self closing line breaks so I can’t see any reason why it would do that.

    BTW, what is this HTML5 theme? I’ve seen plenty which use an HTML5 Doctype, but none which actually force WordPress to behave in an “HTML” kind of way or which use HTML5 specific features.

    The current version of Tinymce supports ONLY XHTML output. you cant force it .

    Try XHTML?to?HTML plugin, maybe it will help.

    I also don’t understand like others the need on only HTML code. May be you want to open your site on Java or dot net HTML viewer and they don’t support javascript and may be new HTML5 and XHTML. One of my friend is making a voice based browser (more info is on my blog https://xpressabhi.com) which takes input as voice and read out the web page content , he is facing problem regarding javascript handling. Now his browser support only HTML pages.

    I don’t see any other reason to have only HTML based wordpress.

    Any other view??

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