Thank you for taking time to update. Unfortunately, in new beta things have become worse. ??
The scrolling is broken absolutely. Clicking downwards arrow doesn’t bring you to the first post, but just freezes the page scrolled halfway up, somewhere around site description section. You can then scroll down with the mouse wheel, but when you return up again the site title stays the same size and transparency it was the moment the page froze. The animation works only once – on the way down. And then it’s stuck.
If you scroll with the mouse wheel from the very beginning, bypassing the arrow completely, then it’s the same story. Animation only once.
No matter the way you go down (via arrow or via mouse wheel), the anchor links stop working. Links on the sidebar work only once as well and only if you didn’t start scrolling and didn’t click anything. If you click something once – the rest stops working.
The tab with the post number doesn’t follow the scroll the way it’s seen on your demo. I mean, the little square with the number, which is visible while you’re on the corresponding post. This square isn’t there even for the first click.
When you’re halfway down the page, hovering mouse on the left side brings out the side bar, but it’s blank. Home button, “down” button in the bottom, squares with numbers are not displayed. However, if you hover the mouse up and down again over this bar when it’s out, red menu items for posts appear. Maybe they’re just the same grey colour as the background and that’s the reason they’re “invisible”…
I’ve tested it on Explorer 11, Chrome and Opera 12 (the last one with Presto) and the results were the same across all three.