• Resolved Jaaaarne


    Hello Fabien

    The theme looks nice, and I can see it was made with care. However, I’ve been unable to make it behave like the demo site.

    1. Clicking “Go down to start” doesn’t make the page slide up beautifully, but it rather simply jumps to where the posts begin. I thought that the lightbox plugin might be interfering, but disabling it didn’t change anything. Still simply jumps.

    2. Front page displays add comment form under each entry. Are the comments supposed to be closed on each post?

    3. No way to make the left side navigation as well; only the bottom area menu is available on the standard theme setup screen, and the theme doesn’t have its own customization page or something.

    Is there any documentation for this theme?

    Thanks in advance

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  • same problem. seems to be a ‘not ready for the market’ -product ??

    Thread Starter Jaaaarne


    It’s a real disappointment. Out of four ratings the theme has gotten so far three are one-star marks. And the worst thing is that the theme does have potential, which makes the disappointment all the more bitter.

    Theme Author Fabien Quatravaux


    Thanks for your feedback. I will need your help to make this theme better.

    @jaaaarne :
    * point 1 is a bug, I made a support thread dedicated to this issue and will post update there.

    * point 2 : yes, comments are disabled on the demo site. Comment support is a requirement to be listed in the WordPress repository so I can’t remove them.

    * point 3: the left menu is only available for premium customers at this moment. I plan to integrate it in the future 2.0 version.

    A lot of themes include a administration page with specific customization options. I choose to use the official WordPress customization framework instead : The Customizer. Just click on the “Customize” button (or go to Appearance > Customize) to see the various options.
    From the customizer, you can

    • choose the title color
    • change the header image
    • add menus and widgets to the footer area
    • add a logo on top of the header image
    • change the content width
    • customizer the credit popup at the bottom
    Thread Starter Jaaaarne


    Thanks for responding, Fabien!

    I know about the comments. I read the tracker discussion and I really had this feeling you were kind of bullied into adding them.:) They really are not needed on the front page.

    However, I cannot understand why you decided to do it the way you did. I mean, the comment form under each post is probably the ugliest thing I’ve seen. Why not make the post title a neutral looking link to the single post page and leave all the comments stuff there? The way everyone is doing. ?? This way you will have the comments’ support and won’t have ugliness marring the nice front page.

    The documentation was required because the theme was not functioning as seen on the demo site. Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is that I’m doing something wrong or missing something. So I go looking for a theme options page, but there’s none to be found. So next I go looking for the manual, but there is none to be found as well.

    I suppose that had I known from the start that the left side menu was not actually present on the current version, I wouldn’t have needed any documentation.

    I can honestly say that the theme has potential. I would love to use it for my novel promo page. ?? People who gave it only 1 star reviews were being harsh, I suppose, but that’s what you get for not explaining the state of things clearly. Believe it or not, but that was all about this side menu, it was the biggest inconsistency.

    Theme Author Fabien Quatravaux


    Hi jaaaarna, and thanks to take the time to improve this theme with me.

    I have published a new version on the github repo, with the side menu enabled, and lots of new options. Could you please test it and tell me if you find any bug ? Here is a direct link to the release archive. I still have some work before releasing it on www.ads-software.com.

    Before releasing a new 1.1 version, I will try to write some documentation on the github Wiki.

    Regarding the comments, it is mandatory to have it on the posts listing page if there is no direct link to the single post. I don’t want to include a link to single posts because I don’t want search engine to index single posts pages. I like to see this theme as a single-page website, and visitors should not be aware that each part of the page is in fact a single post. On some production site, I even redirect single post URLs to the home page to avoid content duplication for search engines.

    For me, comment form is not an issue because you just have to disable comments to remove it. But I have an idea to avoid this ugliness by default : I could just display a tiny link “show comments” at the end of each post, that displays the comment form upon click. I could even display the comments in a popup frame. What do you think about this ?

    Thread Starter Jaaaarne


    Thank you for taking time to update. Unfortunately, in new beta things have become worse. ??

    The scrolling is broken absolutely. Clicking downwards arrow doesn’t bring you to the first post, but just freezes the page scrolled halfway up, somewhere around site description section. You can then scroll down with the mouse wheel, but when you return up again the site title stays the same size and transparency it was the moment the page froze. The animation works only once – on the way down. And then it’s stuck.

    If you scroll with the mouse wheel from the very beginning, bypassing the arrow completely, then it’s the same story. Animation only once.

    No matter the way you go down (via arrow or via mouse wheel), the anchor links stop working. Links on the sidebar work only once as well and only if you didn’t start scrolling and didn’t click anything. If you click something once – the rest stops working.

    The tab with the post number doesn’t follow the scroll the way it’s seen on your demo. I mean, the little square with the number, which is visible while you’re on the corresponding post. This square isn’t there even for the first click.

    When you’re halfway down the page, hovering mouse on the left side brings out the side bar, but it’s blank. Home button, “down” button in the bottom, squares with numbers are not displayed. However, if you hover the mouse up and down again over this bar when it’s out, red menu items for posts appear. Maybe they’re just the same grey colour as the background and that’s the reason they’re “invisible”…

    I’ve tested it on Explorer 11, Chrome and Opera 12 (the last one with Presto) and the results were the same across all three.

    Thread Starter Jaaaarne


    As for SEO, I’m not an expert, to be honest. But how about adding rel=nofollow to the links? Google will index such links, I think, but they will have zero weight? If I’m not mixing anything up. ??

    The link might do, I suppose, although won’t it defy the purpose? I mean, the link will be there to be indexed, no matter where in the post you put it. But then again, I’m not a SEO expert, I’m not really sure how it works. ??

    Theme Author Fabien Quatravaux


    All the issues you are describing are due to a JavaScript error. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it.

    Could you contact me directly (see my contact info here : https://fab1en.github.io/) so that we can fix this issue ?

    Thanks Jaaaarne.

    Theme Author Fabien Quatravaux


    OK, I think I found the JavaScript error. Here is the new version 1.1.beta2. Could you please test it and see if you can find other bugs ?

    Thread Starter Jaaaarne


    Now it looks very good! ?? Slow slide is here, the menu items work as expected. I can see no problems right now. If I see any I will let you know, of course, but right now it looks nice all around. Well, apart from the comment forms on the front page, of course. ?? But those are really not meant to be there. Don’t know why they forced you to add them, that’s not the point of this theme at all.

    Please let me know when you’ve uploaded the fixed version and I will be happy to change my rating to the five stars it deserves.

    Theme Author Fabien Quatravaux


    Thanks for your help to fix this bug Jaaaarne.
    How can I contact you directly to discuss about the comment forms and the documentation ?

    Theme Author Fabien Quatravaux


    Some document have been added to the github repository.

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