Does Barely what a E-Commerce solution should do
This Plugins calls itself “eCommerce solution”, which is half true. At start it seems simple and like a “solution”, but over time you notice a lot features lacking, which should be there in the first place. We are talking about the standalone Plugin and not “extensions”, which of some should be shipped with it in the first place.
– Some of the most common Payment-Gateways (They even removed “default” Paypal for new installs)
– An Invoice System
– Easy Data Import/Export (Products/Orders & Users)
– Separate Database-Tables for all Orders and not using the messywp_posts
Tables (They slows down over time, due to the size, since everything goes in there sadly)
– A default theme which is also responsible and not barely working with a lot of tweaksI was once hired for a shop, which should be build with WooCommerce. I didn’t knew it would turn out that bad over time else I had given the client the hint, they should use something else.
Problem of the lacking features is, that you have to either program your own plugins which do that kind of stuff or rely on 3rd Party plugins. The more features are missing, the more Plugins you need… All that makes your site more likely to break on updating or plugins are abandoned/bought by other companies which try to sell you stuff then. Not talking about the overall speed they may eat.
At some Point you’re forced to hire someone to keep that site updated and look which plugins breaks/revert or fix stuff (or disable unwanted new features).The other thing is that WooCommerce think its cool to squish all its orders into the
tables. This sucks, because its mixed with all other content, like sites, blog entries etc. Over time these tables grew and become slow. Its also fun to exporting the data from them, thanks to the nature of the structure of these tables. You can make it work, but why is there no export and import feature? Isn’t that the most basic feature a eCommerce “Solution” should have?
Yes you can use WordPress own import/export feature, but it sucks, it changes IDs of the Orders and doesn’t even exports everything you need, its a mess to do it.
So even for export and import you have to rely on 3rd party plugins or do it yourself with SQL.So overall: Yes this Plugin does what it says, but you probably end up with a lot of tinkering to give it basic functionality, which other eCommerce solutions already have. Plus you get all the “benefits” of the WordPress system (the technical debt and vulnerability)
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