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    Does Imsanity resize the images already on a Site or only new images uploaded after the plugin has been installed?

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  • It only changes new images after the plugin is installed.

    I was thinking about making a “bulk convert old images” button perhaps on the settings page if that is a feature people are interested in…?

    There’s already a plugin for that – Regenerate Thumbnails: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/

    Thanks for posting that – Regenerate Thumbnails looks very interesting. It’s similar but not quite exactly what I had in mind. I use some of Viper’s other plugins so I’m sure the quality is good.

    If I were to write a bulk converter feature for Imsanity, it would resize all of the existing originals (not thumbnails) in order to clear up disk space in the blog. People who have quota limits on their blog could possibly recover a lot of space by downsizing images.

    I would love to see a bulk converter tool for previously uploaded artwork. We have thousand of images from photographers that is chewing up GB’s of disk space.

    I did some investigation and it is definitely possible. work is killing me at the moment but i definitely will get around to this at some point. i have some sites where it would be really helpful as well.

    This is something I’m seriously interested in, along with single-config multi-site support.

    Cool, i have both of those on my list to do when i have some down-time

    Fantastic.. looking forward to it.

    Adding to the voices who would love a bulk cleanup option. There’s a serious need for this plugin as-is but adding bulk cleanup would be huge.

    I’d also love a radio button to disable the Imsanity girl and the blurb–clients who want to maintain admin (meaning you aren’t hiding the plugin section from them) don’t need to see that. It’s cute but probably only needs to exist on the www.ads-software.com/extend page, not on the plugin settings screen.

    @verysimple This is a fabulous plugin you have here. I’ve been manually resizeing images before I uploaded them since 2005. It’s an extra hassle and most users who are less tech savvy just don’t bother. Your plugin eliminates that extra step. Thanks!

    Please count my vote for a batch resizing feature for already uploaded images. The WordPress importer chokes when trying to bring in huge images. It would be very useful to be able to resize them on the original site before importing them to the new site.

    Perhaps the AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild plugin could be a useful starting point for that. I use it all the time when retheming sites to get new thumbnail sizes. You might be able to modify the code for batch resizing original images.

    cool, thanks. I’m working on those new features slowly. the multi-site configuration is proving to be as much of a PITA as I expected due to nobody on the WordPress dev forums being able to give a definitive answers where to save global (server-wide) data, but I’ve finally given up on using any “standard” and am just doing it my own way.

    The bulk re-sizer shouldn’t be too difficult, but I just want to make sure it’s solid since it could potentially mess up all of your images!

    This looks like an amazing plugin! I am excited to try it out. Thank you for your hard work and support thus far.

    Just want to add another check in the “yes” column for the bulk resize of already-uploaded images feature. That would be killer.




    ok, i just released imsanity version 2.0.0 which includes a “bulk resize” feature. on the Imsanity settings page there is a button to search for large images. It’s available for download in the usual place.

    I would definitely appreciate any feedback. I’m adding the disclaimer that this is a “beta” feature so please help me to make sure it’s stable by backing up your wp-content/uploads folder before proceeding and/or only converting 1 or 2 images and then verify that everything is ok. This plugin does go in and mess with your original images, so it has the potential to destroy all of your images in one click! With great power comes great responsibility – respect!

    Thank you verysimple for your hard work on this plugin!

    Unfortunately I was under the gun with the project that needed the bulk image resizing so I handled it manually on my own.

    Will test out this new feature and provide feedback.

    So far the plugin is great and I plan on using for all of my WordPress sites with clients that upload significant amounts of photos.


    What a great plug-in! I just used it to resize 250 images (after testing a few, as you suggested) and it worked very well.

    The question I have is, how does the “search images” decide which images to select for editing? There are many more original sized image (right off a camera, unfortunately) that I’m trying to clean up and the plug in indicates that there are no more images to re-size when I try to search again. Does it search the entire media library; do the images have to be attached to something….? It appears to have only selected the first 250 images in one folder “wp-content/uploads/2011/10”. Is there something I can do to make it find the other images?

    I’d love to use your plug-in to finish this “house cleaning” task. It is a fantastic addition to the WordPress plug-ins!

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