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  • Plugin Author Lukas Juhas


    Hi Daniel,

    Unfortunately it doesn’t but I’ve been digging around to bring this feature in. But I can’t tell when and if this will be implemented.



    Thread Starter danielgm


    Cool, looking forward to that!

    Thread Starter danielgm


    Any luck yet with the research?

    Plugin Author Lukas Juhas


    Hi Daniel,

    It is still on my list, although I have no time to implement this. It is possible that someone picks it up on Github and will do this but I can’t give you any estimate. Sorry! I work on the plugin only in the free time along other projects. In recent updates it’s mostly about compatibility and bug fixes rather than new features. I’m hoping to find some time in the upcoming weeks and months to implement new features including this.

    Thank you, I hope you understand.


    Hi Lukas,
    Great plugin man. Looking forward with this feature too.

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