Ok I’ve uploaded a development version (1.0.5) which is able detect the different devices. You can download it here: https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/plugin-logic.zip
Put the folder “plugin-logic” to your Wordppress plugin folder (normally /wp-content/plugins/). Then you should be able to activate the Plugin in your Dashboard.
To activate the rules only for mobile devices add after a rule [mobile] or if you want to distinguish between tablet and handheld you can use also [tablet] or [handheld].
Example rules:
https://www.example-site/page=1/ [mobile],
exampleWord2 [tablet],
https://www.example-site/page=3 [handheld]
Perhaps it would be a better solution to have a plugin which do the theme switch and the plugin rules all in one, so there is only one device check. But I don’t think the device check has a great effect on the page load.
Kind regards