Same issues here — plugins are installed, configuration is set, but the actions in the page don’t run to load in the CSS/JS. I’ve added error_log statements into every function and the only one that seems to do anything is the adhs_init function and anything defined for the admin area.
Tracking that a bit more, I started realizing that the functions stopped working as soon as the server would encounter a closing PHP tag in your script — I changed the add2homecustom function to a series of echo commands instead of closing and reopening PHP and suddenly the CSS and JS files were enqueued. Probably something there to work with. Maybe WordPress only reads the main plugin file until it encounters one of those?
I’m running PHP 7.2 locally on my Mac, and having the same issues running PHP 7.0 on Ubuntu. Both systems using Nginx and PHP-FPM.
Side note: the code in the plugin is kind of messy. Difficult to follow through. Good for N years ago, so I’m glad to hear you’ve revisited the plugin and are working to improve it.
Might I recommend some refactoring: use wp_localize_script, don’t wrap everything in an if statement, use consistent indentation, and maybe split the code into a couple separate files (admin and frontend, at least).