• My “just another WordPress site” tagline remains at the top of my <head> and the `<!– All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Design[353,408] –>
    <meta name=”description” ` appears much further down. The result is the description is not being read by Google which is instead indexing the first written content on the home page, and it is this content which appears in the Google SERPS listing under the website name.

    I don’t have any other SEO plugin installed, so there can be no conflict. Is there some way to make the All In One SEO description and keyword appear at the top of the <head> section and for the description to replace the WordPress tagline?


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  • Plugin Support Steve M


    Hi Kelley,

    Are you saying that just another WordPress site is being output as a Meta Description? If so, then that is your theme that is doing that so you need to fix this in your theme.

    The position of the code output by All in One SEO Pack is correct and Google will see that but if you have conflicting meta data in your HEAD then you need to remove that.

    Thread Starter kelleypb


    The problem is I have another site where I deleted the tagline, so that the description remains empty. And on this site Google again displays the initial wording on the homepage underneath the website listing on the Google SERP instead of the description generated by the All In One SEO plugin. Surely there must be a way of forcing this description to display.

    Thread Starter kelleypb


    My point is that if this information is not being displayed in the SERPS, how can I be assured that the plugin is not hurting my SEO?

    Plugin Support Steve M


    You cannot force Google to display your Meta Description, you can only provide it for them to use if you so wish. You should always set the Title tag and Meta Description on every post and page because this is good for SEO.

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