Help, my issue is very similar to the above issue now marked as resolved.
I love Contact Form 7, it has really really been put together with simplicity and saved my tail.. I was, in fact, writing a language to build forms when I found it and tossed my code out.. CF7 awesome!
Less than a week ago, my client complained that his long form was too long.. Wanted fields next to each other. I searched CSS and found so many limitations that drove me out right nuts.. Then I found your “Super” Smart Grid! It took me half a day to go through it, best half day spent. I’ve learned the short codes for CF7, how they work, test results and I’ve learned your Div structure and short code placement.. Including, having to click outside a field BEFORE saving or lose my edit on that field. got it, no problem.. Really really love your plugin, saved me a hug amount of time playing with CSS..
Then he says “I want a field to say “same as billing” for shipping and make that part of the form go away.. I looked and found “Conditional Fields” for CF7. And I can get it to “somewhat” work, but here are my issues:
1) If I go to text, and add his [group …] short code between a section of Div statements, and update, your form removes the foreign group short codes.
2) If I add a row using your grid builder for the [group ..] short code and a row for the [/group] closing short code, only the item directly below it hides.
3) If I’ve done the above, then not only is that field functional (only that field, not the rest of the group) then that field is also hidden from site in the grid builder, visible in text but div statements are out of balance.
I hope what I’ve written make sense..
Your plugin is amazing.. This would enhance it even more…