• After spending 2 days editing php and CSS with WooCommerce and the DiviCommerce plugin I almost gave up on even having a shopping cart system on my site for a bit due to insane formatting issues and lack of configuration. As a last ditch effort I tried WPEasyCart and it worked nearly flawlessly with Divi and Divi Builder out of the box. I cannot stress how little custom CSS I’ve needed to write to make it fit for my site.

    I’ve owned my own computer repair shop for the past 7 years and I’m now going to be getting into website design. I’ll be using Divi, Divi Builder and now WPEasyCart exclusively. You’re the reason I’ll be purchasing lifetime access developer package for Divi.

    If you think WooCommerce and Divi Builder will work well, you are very wrong. BoltThemes aka Fosker Media developed a plugin called DiviCommerce that is intended to integrate the Divi Builder / Divi Theme from Elegant Themes with WooCommerce. Woocommerce is a fairly simple solution and it works OK with Divi Builder, but one page where it completely falls apart is the individual product display page. Divi Commerce is intended to fix that issue but all it seems to do is cause more grief. Even his website at the time of this writing has poorly formatted CSS that causes things to not display. The plugin will not operate how you intend it to. You will spend hours upon hours pouring over CSS and PHP trying to get everything to function properly. The real issue is that there is no way to TRY the plugin, you are forced to BUY it only to find out how poorly of a job has been done coding the plugin. Long story short, if you want to spend the next 2 weeks trying to fix something that was intended as a fix to something then get divi commerce (don’t do it, it will never format 100% correctly because of poor coding standards). If you want an out of the cart solution to the entire problem use WPEasyCart. It’s what I switched to after having all these issues and I kid you not, it worked out of the box without ANY issues!

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  • Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    …sounds like this is a review for DiviCommerce – something we do not build, maintain or sell since it’s from a 3rd party/different author.

    Your review makes no sense.

    First of all. You should choose an Ecommerce platform based on it’s security, features and available plugins. There is nothing to touch WooCommerce within the WordPress space.

    Second. Divi Builder does not have to be used on every page. WooCommerce is very easy to customize so why you would want to rely on a page builder to modify the product page is beyond me. If you want to get into the business of creating websites then you need to have the skills to deal with all kinds of situations like this.

    Conflicts between third-party plugins are a reality of life and you are not going to do your customers any justice if you are locked into using pagebuilders alone. You need to have the skills to work around conflicts that can occur.

    Trashing WooCommerce because another plugin does not play well with it makes no sense. You should be complaining about Divi Builder because WooCommerce was around first. Divi Builder needs to be made to work well with WooCommerce, not the other way around.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by WPSeeker.
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