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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Seems we don’t agree there Andreas ??

    -> the Avada problem was easily solved (confirmed by you)
    -> the gravity forms problem might require some trial & error, but I’m ready to make a bet AO can be configured for GF to function perfectly

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Andreas Ostheimer


    No it wasn’t – only on first glance.

    Avada and Gravity Forms are used by thousands of sites. This has to work out of the box otherwise the support effort is massive on both ends.

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    It strikes me as odd that a web professional with paying customers demands free plugin (which is relatively successful (1) by the way) to be configured out of the box to be compatible with a successful commercial theme and a successful commercial plugin.

    Wouldn’t it instead make more sense to either invest some time & effort to configure the free plugin properly OR to ask the suppliers of the commercial theme & plugin to ensure compatibility with said relatively successful plugin?

    But let me be constructive and make you an offer you can’t refuse; if you install a small test-site with Avada & Gravity Forms and provide me with a admin account on that test-site, I’ll come in and will configure AO correctly. If I get it to work, you’ll give me a 5-star rating here for starters and additionally you can choose between writing a blogpost on your company blog on how great a solution AO is, or you can buy me licenses for both Avada & Gravity forms (which will allow me to test against those if I feel such an urge). If I can’t get it to work, I’ll bugfix & correct AO until it does work and improvements (code, not configuration mind you) will be part of the next AO-version.

    So Andreas, what do you think of this little wager? ??

    (1) according to the stats, AO has been downloaded 375.000 times and is currently active on 80.000+ sites.

    Hallo Frank

    I really like your attitude to resolve issues and thanks again for free plugin and all your work on it.

    I use ZenCache Pro as a paid customer and usually no issues but on premium themes i have trouble with minifying. Mostly when I encounter issues even with GF [I have a dev license, if you wish a copy for your testing purposes of this plugin] backupbuddy [have dev license as well] etc etc always everyone points a finger to another culprit, to the host to CF to whatever, and it is an unending circle. ??

    No one ever suggested to me such help as you do for a free plugin. Kudos.

    Might try yours on new site we’re building now if my paid caching plugin crashes site minifying and will gladly seek your kind help if it also gives me troubles. ??

    We want to use HighWinds CDN as well, just to make things more complex and will have a LOT of eCom and SEO and utility plugins…

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Nice to see my little rant was useful after all ??

    […] GF [I have a dev license, if you wish a copy for your testing purposes of this plugin]

    That would be nice yes, you can contact me on futtta-at-gmail-dot-com


    Also using avada (child theme), and having troubles with either dynamic images not showing up, or css being missing. Seems pretty simple to set up, only 4 checkboxes, is there some special setup for Avada? Please let us all know! I’ve been trying one then the other.

    Complicating this is I’m on WPEngine, which only recommends this plugin for minifying.


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    The 4 checkboxes are the default view, but when clicking on “advanced settings” you’ll see a lot of other possibilities, which depending on your context (theme/ plugins) might be needed to have everything working perfectly. I’m afraid I don’t have configuration guidelines specific themes and the fact that Avada is not free is complicating things (as in; I can’t simply download & test myself if I would be inclined to do so) ??

    But have a look at the FAQ and specifically the part on how to troubleshoot, check out this forum thread as well and using the advanced settings you should be able to get things working aparentdesign.

    have fun,

    thank you!

    Both Avada and Gravity Forms work just fine with AO. We have optimized thousands of sites using both with Autoptimize.

    The only negative reviews of AO seem to come from people who want it to work without having to configure it. Frank is too nice to say it but this is simply ignorant.

    One must exclude Avada’s inline CSS and Gravity Form’s inline scripts from concatenation. This is not the fault of Autoptimize, but the result of how Avada and Gravity Forms are coded.

    One would actually be hard pressed to find any fault whatsoever with AO, given that it merely concatenates and minifies code that is already there.

    Be well,

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