Does nothing…
Apparently this WooCommerce Product Country Base Restriction does absolutely nothing…
1)I set a product not to be sold in a country (let’s say Belgium).
2)In my account I change the country in my address to be Belgium.
3)I set the plugin to hide products for users from Belgiumyet when I check the website, the product is listed everywhere (main page, shop, etc.)…
Hi, can you check the settings of the plugin? under WooCommerce Settings –> WPCBR (WooCommerce Product Country Base Restrictions) – the relative URL is :
After you set how it should make the restriction, it should work.
ThanksOk, I did all the possible tests and here are the results:
User Country: Belgium
2 Products with forbidden country : BelgiumPlugin settings:
1) Hide catalog visibility – active
Both products do not show using filters search – GOOD
Both products are still visible in shop – BAD
Both product pages are active and the “add to cart” button is active (even if the “Sorry, this product is not available in your country” is visible) BAD
2) Hide catalog visibility – active & ” product can’t be added to the cart)” active
Both products do not show using filters search – BAD in this situation
Both products are still visible in shop – GOOD in this situation
Both product pages are active and the “add to cart” button is removed and “Sorry, this product is not available in your country” is visible – GOOD
3) Hide completely – ACTIVE
Both products do not show using filters search – GOOD
Both products are still visible in shop – BAD
Both product pages go in error “404 OOPS, THAT LINK IS BROKEN”…So, the plugin is promising but needs some fixing.
As a suggestion of mine on how it should work when a country is blocked:
Situation 1: The “blocked” products should be visible all over but no “add to cart” button and the message “Not available in your country”.
Situation 2: The “blocked” products to be totally invisible in shop, searches, direct link access, etc. ( and obviously their links to be invalid (error 404))
There still is a problem…
In plugin settings I set it to Hide completely
On product page if I set it:
Geographic availability/ Excluding selected countries/ I add my country to be EXCLUDED
If I go to View Product …the product shows up instead of error 404
But if I set it:
Geographic availability/ Selected countries only/ I add my country to be the one
If I go to View Product …the product doesn’t shows up (error 404) instead of showing…It looks like it is the other way around…
And one more question…What is it taken into consideration by your plugin to determine the country?
1) The IP address of the site’s visitor?
2) The country from the billing address of a registered customer?Thanks!
More than that…There are problems also with the “Hide catalog visibility” of the plugin settings, but there is no need to comment them now, as long as those problems could be caused by the above mentioned bug.
With the actual update the plugin works as intended with all the settings!
Great job!
As a suggestion, there is a functionality redundancy…With the settings like: “Hide catalog visibility (This will hide selected products in shop and search results. However product still will be accessible via direct link.) ” it is OK since the visitor can’t see the product but you can email someone a working link.
But with the settings like: “”Hide catalog visibility (This will hide selected products in shop and search results. However product still will be accessible via direct link.) + Make non-purchasable active ” comes the redundant situation…the product CAN’T be seen on the shop page or in search but with a link you can see it without being able to make the purchase.
It will be a better solution for the product to BE seen in shop/search BUT not available for purchase!
Just an idea…
Anyways, for my needs it is good as it is now!
Again, thanks for your great work!
Thanks, we will check to change the logic by your suggestions
One more suggestion:
It appears that the plugin takes the country info from the user’s Customer shipping address.This could be a problem..for example:
I do not sell products in Belize ??
A visitor from Belize comes to my site and as long as he’s not registered he can see all the products, add to cart some of them and then he will register to make the payment.
Once registered… everything disappears!!It would be a better solution if you can make the plugin to get the country IP of the visitor and then, based on that country, to start doing its job!
Just to jump in on that last comment as I’m looking at the plugin as a possible solution to one of my problems….
If possible can it be made so the plugin takes into account BOTH shipping address AND IP? I completely get and agree with what the previous comment is about but my website also syncs products with eBay so basing it just on IP would throw the plugin off. Maybe some options here would be preferable as VPNs are also becoming more popular
Just thoughts but just wanted to make a note as I just discovered the plugin and would be a shame for it to become unusable just as I’m testing it ??
BenThis is how it works, the Plugin first use the shipping address and if not set then it uses WC GeoIP
As I said in my previous post, it is cruel to let the guy from “Belize” to see the stuff, to let him make an account and enter his billing address and then…to see nothing in the shop!!!!
Come on! Put yourself in his shoes! he he he
It will be more human (and more useful!) to have the “country” check the other way around: First IP and then billing address.
Cheers!Dear ediloson
I am not using the billing address at all. I use the shipping address and if not set then by IP. this is the correct functionality, in any case, this is a free plugin that we developed and this is how our plugin works, if this is not what you need, you can find other plugin or hire a developer to create custom code for you
Thanks and good luck
OK. Please don’t get offended…I was just suggesting some improvements as I did before, that’s all…
Anyways you are doing a great work with all of your plugins!
Kind regards!
Thanks, I am not offended but its hard to please everyone, we try our best, but sometimes the requirements are different and currently I do not have the resources to invest in developing more this free plugin, we just took a nice functionality we developed and provided the option for anyone to use..
Good day ??
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