You’re right, I shouldn’t have said ‘requirements’. But I’m sure you’re aware that spiders and bots from the main searching tools won’t index the contents of a page that is hidden (whatever ‘hidden’ means, including any page/post/site with tabs on it).
So there was the hashbang solution (#!), which Google still supports, and then since 2012 everyone recommends using the browser’s history manipulation.
As far as I’m aware -please correct me if I’m wrong-, any content that goes behind a tab isn’t indexed unless there’s some sort of indication that those contents are in fact another page/post with its own unique url, therefore the hashbang/pushState solution. Even with the content being in the page markup, but actually invisible on initial page load.
Now, I know Tabby is one of the best tabbing solutions out there and I know nothing about code. But when googling for a tabbing solution, this issue was all around the place. That’s why I’m asking.
This first article does even mention your plugin:
This one has some words from Google itself:
The next one is mainly about Ajax, but also explains the pushState solution. Of course, there are a lot more that dig into that and the browser’s history manipulation:
And finally, Matt Cutts’ direct answer to the question:
After some research, I found many jQuery tabbing developments that include some ‘url’ appending solution for this indexing issue, many of them didn’t include any Ajax. But they have other issues with responsivity, bad coding or being very buggy.
So obviously I went for a plugin that is well-established and maintained, but I need to be sure that my pages will be correctly indexed.
Thanks in advance.
PS- Don’t get me wrong, but you shouldn’t mark this thread as ‘resolved’, since you asked me for some clarification.