• Resolved Chris


    Hello there,

    I can see this would be a very useful plugin, I’m a non-profit trying to create a community using BuddyBoss for my home community. I installed this plugin as it was linked to from the BuddyBoss integrations page, but I got a critical site error when turning on the plugin, so thought I better ask.
    WP Version 6.6.1
    PHP Version 8.2.21

    If I can provide anything further let me know.


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  • Plugin Author Venutius


    Hi there, sorry you found an issue. Firstly, was the error on activation or when you tried a shortcode? If it’s a shortcode, which one? Also, what was the error?

    Thread Starter Chris


    Sorry for the delay getting back to you.
    1. I have just installed and activated the plugin – no problem.
    2. I have created a new page and added a short code block with the first short code in the list:
    Saved and viewed – this is working.
    I’ve actually gone through and tested several short codes and everything appears to be working correctly. It is possible I had a conflict somewhere, sadly I have been working away and cannot replicate the problem I had. I will however, report any issues, but for now I will just say thank you for making this plugin available.

    Plugin Author Venutius


    Thank you so much for getting back to me. I’ve added a bunch of security measures into the code, and sometimes that causes things to stop working. I did test it myself, obviously, but there’s nothing like user feedback confirming all is good.

    Also, if there’s any other features you’d like, for this, or BuddyPress in general, let me know. I seem to have got a head of steam up on the programming front and have decided to fork any BP plugin that’s not been updated in 5 years or so, as although many still work, truth is, most that old have significant vulnerabilities, which are quite easily fixed. on top of that, I’ve a load of plugins that I’m working on for release, about 40 overall, but I’m looking to consolidate and integrate them, since, as you are probably aware, so many plugins, each with there own settings pages and ways of working tends to make BP overly complicated both for admin and users.

    Thread Starter Chris


    You are absolutely welcome. I’m working on a project with Buddyboss but I have a couple of domains and a half decent VPS, I got buddypress installs and have been testing stuff to get this project running. I’m happy help out in any way I can – I’m no coder but I can find my way around a Linux web stack and maybe update/write a bit of documentation – having someone breathing life into old projects is great news, so much wasted potential out there, I’m a huge fan of Opensource.

    Plugin Author Venutius


    I am too, I’m both a developer and a publisher, and it was the publishing side of things that got me into WordPress and BuddyPress development. I wanted to be able to build sites that had the features I needed, and without significant cost. To be honest, I really struggle to charge for anything. I’m a bit of an open source purist. We seem to be a bit of a dying breed in the WordPress world. But right now, I have the time to grab all the plugins that have been abandoned and fix them up, and also turn them into a more cohesive bundle. For example, I’ve got fully working versions of BP Follow, BP Compliments, and around 70 other BP plugins. I think I’m going to be publishing new stuff like crazy over the next year. If you’d like to help, I’d love a beta tester, and also someone that can suggest additional features I may not have thought of.

    Right now, for example, I’m working on a bunch of really good integrated projects. For example, a Registration Tools plugin that has honeypots, avatar upload on registration, improved styling, group join on registration, terms and conditions and privacy policy signups which actually record in the use meta the date and version of the policy that was agreed to. Another project I’m working on is a kind of ultimate privacy plugin, since many of the privacy plugins fail to provide a total privacy shield. As has been the way with WordPress recently, the majority of plugins deliberately remove key features so they can go behind a paywall. I’ve no time for that, why would I want to maintain two plugins? Obviously, I’m in a luxurious position of not needing to earn that much money currently.

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