You mean like this?
Or this?
The multi-comic function allows for this. You check multi-comic support and full-size image display, then upload the images you want to the post via “add files” (not CE’s Featured Image).
It’s rather rudimentary, though. If you want it fancier, you’ll have to hand-code your comic in the html area above and below the comic. (There are metaboxes for that in the comic upload page.) I usually upload one of the comic images as featured image and then layout the others around it (after uploading them by ftp but you can use the media upload, too) with some in-line css. (It’s how I made the examples above.) Theoretically, I could just upload them all via ftp and have no featured image at all, but I find it makes for a nifty preview image in social feeds.
Or you could combine the two – uplad the images using the multi-comic function, then put some css around them to make it look good. I’m sure that’s possible, too.
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by