hi wfalaa
I have looked at Live Traffic and filtered for:
Filter Traffic : Blocked
using advanced filters
Security Event : contains ‘Blocked’
From 1st Oct to 15th October
It shows none of the 700+ hack attempts that occurred a few days ago.
If I the try a new filter
Logins : contains ‘Failed Login: Invalid Username
(same date range)
It also shows NO results
– yet my email inbox shows 700+ attempts.
What I’m trying to do is find the matching block/event that my email notification is showing within Wordfence.
i.e. someone at 11.32 on Oct15 was blocked from access the site when they used ‘adm’
– I can’t find this event logged in Wordfence.
I’m also trying to ascertain when I get a notification – just what actual page is this notification referring to?
—— extract from email sent by wordfence ——-
This email was sent from your website “XXXXXX” by the Wordfence plugin at Saturday 15th of October 2016 at 01:15:35 PM
The Wordfence administrative URL for this site is: https://www.xxxxxx.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=Wordfence
A user with IP address has been locked out from the signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Used an invalid username ‘adm to try to sign in.
User IP:
User hostname: nat-178-19-228-31.net.encoline.de
User location: Erfurt, Germany
I have tested access to /wp-admin and /wp-login.php
– neither are accessible … so how come I’m still getting notifications of attempts still going on?