• ishenerzaph


    Here’s my goal: I have a wordpress installation reachable at origin.example.com and I want to host on S3 with a domain https://www.example.com

    First I tried just using the plugin with saving it to a folder. The html are saved, but most assets & images that had the link “origin.example.com” remained and did not change to “www.example.com” (even after specifiing www as the domain prefix).

    Second, I donated and downloaded the s3 plugin. when I tried to rebuild the static site, nothing happened. It freezes on:
    “Working on: done scanning for files”

    Really I can upload to s3 myself. But i must hide origin.example.com completely.


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  • Thread Starter ishenerzaph


    ok, i got the s3 plugin to work. sorry about that, it was just a problem on my server (no curl installed)

    about the images and assets – i see they are not transferred to s3 by the plugin. so i do it myself using sync:

    s3cmd sync --exclude '*.php' wp-content s3://www.example.com/

    it works great for now!

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