• Hi. I have installed this, and copied the shortcode examples you have in the media library, but nothing shows on the front end. It creates the space for it and I can see the code in the ‘view source’ – but it just doesn’t display

    Any ideas?

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  • Yeah, I have a similar issue.

    I’m trying to generate the shortcode myself a plugin and some javascript. The shortcode gets generated just fine; I can print it to the webpage and insert the very same shortcode on a different page and it displays. And the generated shortcode, when passed to the do_shortcode() function does insert the markup on the page, but for some reason, the chart does not display.

    I’m not sure if there’s something else I need to do (like a repaint, or redraw, or something) but I can’t find anything useful online to assist in this issue. :/

    Would be nice if we could get some responses on these topics from the plugin authors.

    Same here. There’s space where the chart (in my case donut) is supposed to be but nothing is displayed…

    I had a same problem, and found a solution for it.
    Check your page source that contain a chart.
    In header two js files have to load.
    wp-charts/js/Chart.min.js + wp-charts/js/functions.js
    In my case the function.js file did not loaded and I add it to header.php manually. then the problem solved!

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