• So I installed the plugin but it doesn’t lazy load my images.
    Looking at the source code I can see it added the javascript files and such, but it doesn’t add any tags or anything to my images. Do the images need to be added a certain way? Do I need to add the lazy class myself? There’s no documentation within the plugin so I assumed it would be some magical plug and play thing.

    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    It should work magical without manually adding a class if everything works as expected ??

    Could you post a link to the site with the problem?

    Thread Starter dem0n


    It’s in local development now I’m afraid.

    Well okay … I’ve tried adding the class “lazy” or “lazyload” manually to the images that need loading. But that didn’t work.

    <img class="<?php echo $portfolio_width; ?>" src="<?php echo $portfolio_image['sizes']['work-full-image']; ?>" title="<?php echo $portfolio_image['title'] ?>" alt="<?php echo $portfolio_image['alt'] ?>" />

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by dem0n.
    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Ah okay, you are using ACF or something like that to create a list of images? In that case, it should work to add the class lazyload manually – that is the class which the lazy load script uses (and the plugin adds automatically to content images, gallery images and post thumbnails).

    But you have to modify the img markup like that: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes#how-to (with the data- attributes instead of src et cetera).

    Thread Starter dem0n


    ACF, yeah ??

    Hmm. I updated it as you said, but still can’t see any lazy loading happening.
    Here’s my code:

    <img class="lazyload full" data-src="https://dev.dobson.be/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/fb-timeline_header6-3-1800x666.jpg" title="fb-timeline_header6-3" alt="Header Illustration" />

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Strange… Any errors in the JS console?

    Thread Starter dem0n


    No ??
    Here’s the whole thing.

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    Thread Starter dem0n


    No ??

    I can see the plugin has added

    <style>.js img.lazyload {
    			display: block;
    img.lazyload {
    			display: none;


    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://dev.dobson.be/wp-content/plugins/lazy-loading-responsive-images/js/lazysizes.min.js?ver=4.8'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    if (!document.documentElement.classList.contains('js')) {

    But that’s about it.

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Yes, that looks correct, it does not add more things… One question: if you check a image in the developer tools, is there the lazyload class or a lazyloaded class?

    Thread Starter dem0n


    Oh! It’s changed it to lazyloaded class. That’s odd. But I guess we’re getting somewhere now ??

    It’s changed ALL images to lazyloaded. Even the images that shouldn’t be loaded yet.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by dem0n.
    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Okay, could you try to add some content above the images, so they are further down on the page (just to check if it works then)? The problem could be that the img elements are too close to the visible area, so the lazy load script loads them on page load.

    Thread Starter dem0n


    Hmm yes I have to add like 110 line breaks before the class stays at lazyload. Then as soon as I scroll, it turns to lazyloaded, even before the images are visible on the screen.

    Is this perhaps a CSS styling conflict or something?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by dem0n.
    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Maybe… It is wanted behavior, that the images are loaded before they are visible. If you take a look at the official demo: https://afarkas.github.io/lazysizes/ It loads the first three images on page load on my almost full hd viewport.

    If you want to change that, you could try to decrease the lazySizesConfig.expand value (described here: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes/blob/gh-pages/README.md#js-api).

    Thread Starter dem0n


    Hmm I added 6 more images and all of them display lazyloaded from the start aswell. So it’s not limited to the first three ??

    Just want to say I really appreciate you taking to time to look at this.

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    No problem, happy to help ??

    With the three photos I meant the demo of lazysizes (there is no fixed rule to load only the first three or so) – in your case it may be a CSS problem or something similar. I have a page where a gallery with many photo thumbnails is loaded on page load, and I have no idea why (it works great for other photos in the blog view it cetera)…

    Could you bring the site live temporarily, so I can take a look at it? You can email me the URL, if you do not want to post it here (you can find my email address on the site linked in my forum profile).

    Thread Starter dem0n


    Wish I could. Tried uploading but it’s just not at that stage yet. Getting nothing but errors. I’ll have to come back to this later when I’ve had time to prepare it. Again, thanks for the help though. I’ll disable the plugin for now and continue working on the rest.

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