I agree with yaron_elh !
I have seen plenty of this type of tactic with other plugins. It is very frustrating when you finally pick what appears to be a good fit for your website to install a plugin ONLY to find “After” installing it that to have any value to your site you need to Activate and PAY. Yes, we don’t mind paying IF you know that to be the case Before installing. Just COMPLETELY Wastes your time and Certainly REDUCES your trust in the Author and any other plugin the are involved with.
Maybe they consider the “Risk V Reward” system in employing this tactic !
I also Agree that the posters above, Jan Dembowski is Or may be “Invested” in the Product. WHY? would a “Moderator” Jump to the defense of a Plugin, or (Author) like that? Surely that is for the Plugin Author NOT the Moderator.
I have seen this before as well, and Wholeheartedly disagree with ANY Moderator sticking their nose in. Yes, moderate the Community, but Not to the extent of defending a Plugin, that’s none of their business HOW an Author of a Plugin decides to run the Business model.
It’s Called ” impartiality” which is what a Moderator should be. Is it Not?
Huh, I submit and I receive: This post has been held for moderation by our automated system and will be manually reviewed by a moderator.
Bet this does not get approved, or I will be blocked or removed! se la vie
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by